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ASSE Government Affairs Dave Heidorn Manager of Government Affairs and Policy 847/768-3406.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSE Government Affairs Dave Heidorn Manager of Government Affairs and Policy 847/768-3406."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSE Government Affairs Dave Heidorn Manager of Government Affairs and Policy 847/768-3406

2 This will be about two things… One For better or for worse, ASSE’s state government affairs is a volunteer system If you don’t do it, it won’t get done

3 Two Government affairs is all about influence And you may be surprised at how much you can have If you want it

4 Question of the day…

5 How does a safety pro do government affairs?

6 How does it look like a safety pro does government affairs? Just the facts, ma’am

7 But it’s really not that different

8 How does a safety pro do safety? Find out what the problem is Figure out the facts Apply the facts if possible If the facts aren’t applicable, figure out something that works Communicate Walk the job

9 How does a government affairs pro do government affairs? Find out what the problem is or, better, create a problem Figure out the facts Apply the facts if possible If the facts aren’t applicable, say something anyway Communicate Walk the halls

10 Pretty much the same Safety Pro Find out the problem Figure out the facts Apply the facts if possible If the facts aren’t applicable, figure out something that works Communicate Walk the job GA Pro Find/create a problem Figure out the facts Apply the facts if possible If the facts aren’t applicable, say something anyway Communicate Walk the halls

11 If you don’t do it, nobody will.

12 ASSE Government Affairs Organization Board of Directors including Regional Vice Presidents * Council on Professional Affairs * Government Affairs Committee

13 ASSE Government Affairs Committee Chair, Emory Knowles, Maryland John Clark, New Jersey Susan Eaves, Virginia Ed Granberry, Florida Mike Hayslip, Ohio Mike Thompson, Texas Jon Turnipseed, California

14 …and more CoPS Liaison -- Keith Vidal, Missouri President-Elect – “Skipper” Kendrick, Texas

15 GA on the staff side Manager of Gov’t Affairs and Policy Me * Federal Representative Adele Abrams, Esq. who reports to me

16 …reporting to Director of Professional Affairs Bob DeSiervo * who reports to the Executive Director Fred Fortman

17 ASSE Government Affairs is based on a regional idea Regional Vice President * (Regional GA Chair) * Regional Operating Committee * Chapters in a state

18 …and at the chapter level Chapter President * Chapter Government Affairs Chair * Members

19 So how does the system work?

20 By the current ASSE rules… If you want to take a position on a bill or reg, working with the RVP… Get the agreement of all the chapters in a state Get the agreement of the Regional Operation Committee Get the agreement of the national GAC

21 What you have to deal with… Getting consensus from all the chapters…not a problem in Minnesota but a problem in California Timeliness Members and chapters spread out over long distances and away from state capitols Who’s in charge?

22 For whom do you speak? You cannot speak for ASSE without going through that approval process You can always speak for yourself

23 Who do you represent? The safety professional The safety profession The Society

24 Now, how do you do government affairs?

25 Remember what a safety GA pro does… Find/create a problem Figure out the facts Apply the facts if possible If the facts aren’t applicable, say something anyway Communicate Walk the halls

26 Find/create a problem Newspapers, TV and radio The grapevine ASSE State Legislative and Regulatory Activities Report ASSE GA Update Other organizations and associations

27 Best, your own gut level passion

28 Figure out the facts ASSE State Legislative and Regulatory Activities Report ASSE GA Update State government web sites The grapevine The newspaper Call your legislator or regulator

29 Apply the facts if possible Put something in writing. Make a statement. The rule of three The better rule of one Less is always more Never lie

30 If the facts aren’t applicable, say something anyway Facts rarely win in the realm of public affairs It’s about the gray matter, not the black and white Get something on the record

31 Communicate! Once you have a statement, you can send it to anyone. By e-mail By hand By telephone By media outlets

32 Once you figure out your audience, you figure out what they see or read

33 Communicate to whom? Members The legislator or regulator Other legislators or regulators Their bosses Other associations and related professionals

34 Their underlings Their spouses and friends Newspapers The public Your company

35 Walk the halls Say or write something nice to a legislator or regulator. They’re human. They want to hear supportive things. Figure out a day and go to the capitol and walk the halls Call ahead to the sponsor and the key committee members Leave something behind -- rule of three

36 Be really nice to the secretary Say something nice to the legislator, even if you don’t agree Leave your own politics at the door Talk only about this issue, talk quickly and stay on point

37 The guy who talks about black helicopters or his mom’s problem with the DMV? Tell him the wrong date Most important – be yourself You don’t need to wear a suit if you don’t wear one at work Organize the visit. Make a list.

38 Most important ways to “walk the halls” Vote Volunteer to stuff envelopes Volunteer to have a coffee during a campaign Invite a candidate to a chapter meeting Volunteer to walk a candidate around the neighborhood

39 Donate money Get others to donate money Help run the campaign Get a friend to run for office Run for office yourself

40 What’s it really all about?

41 Influence Think of all those things you can do to “walk the halls.” The farther you walk your way up the list, the more influence you will have.

42 Pavlov’s Hierarchy of Influence Run for office yourself Get a friend to run for office Help run the campaign Get others to donate money Volunteer to walk a candidate around the neighborhood

43 …more from Pavlov Invite to a chapter meeting Volunteer to have a coffee Donate money Volunteer to stuff envelopes Vote Don’t even vote

44 Who’s a government decision maker going to listen to? The person who simply voted? Or the person who ran the campaign?

45 You can do it.

46 Don’t hire a lobbyist

47 Have fun The best volunteer government affairs person is the person who looks at it like a hobby. Think about it as something different than what you do at work.

48 Collateral awards Gain influence for yourself or your family Advance your career Change things for the better Broaden your experience

49 Finally… It’s nice to know that, when you throw pebbles into a lake, you can actually make waves, even if they’re little ones. That’s the influence of a volunteer.

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