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Trends in Higher Education: The Impact on Academic Libraries Suzanne van den Hoogen, MLIS July 26, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in Higher Education: The Impact on Academic Libraries Suzanne van den Hoogen, MLIS July 26, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in Higher Education: The Impact on Academic Libraries Suzanne van den Hoogen, MLIS July 26, 2012

2 Outline  Trends in Higher Education  Impact on Academic Libraries  Solutions for Tomorrow  Discussion

3 Trends in Higher Education EnrolmentTechnology New Models of Education MarketingFunding AUCC: Trends in Higher Education, June 2012

4 Impact on Academic Libraries Space ServicesResources

5 Enrolment Student Demographics Globalization Economics Faculty AUCC: Trends in Higher Education, June 2012

6 Cloud Computing Mobile Technology Hybrid Learning Open Access Technology

7 New Models of Education Faculty Centered vs. Student Centered Virtual /Online Inclusive Classrooms Rote vs. Critical Thinking

8 Marketing Branding Value-Added Education Unprecedented Competition Managing Student Expectations

9 Image Source: IGs8nU/s1600/ocufa.jpg Funding  Government Funding  Universities are adopting a Business Model  Unprecedented Competition  Students want to see value for their $  Economic Factors The Business of Higher Education, OCUFA, 2009

10 Trends in Higher Education: Impact on Academic Libraries Place to Function  Physical vs. Virtual  Removing Barriers  Information Commons  Individual Study Space  Comfortable Seating  Institutional Repositories Space

11 Trends in Higher Education: Impact on Academic Libraries Resources Print to Digital  Access  eResources  Discovery  Funding  Decreasing Budgets – Increasing Patron Demand  Collection Management  Skilled Workforce  Professional Development  Training

12 Trends in Higher Education: Impact on Academic Libraries Services Emerging Services  Seamless Access  Just in Time/Just in Case to Any Where/Any Place  Marketing the Library  Information Literacy  Virtual Reference  Embedded Librarians  Librarian in Residence  Moodle/Blackboard  Subject Guides  Partnerships/Collaborations  Distance Education/Online Learning  Copyright Experts  Library 3.0

13 Solutions for Tomorrow  Libraries 3.0  Get Portable!  Become Agents of Change  Engage Students & Faculty  Partnerships/Collaboration  Knowledgeable Workforce  Succession Planning  Take an Active Role in PD  Be inspired to do things Differently

14 Value of Academic Libraries Librarians are increasingly called upon to document and articulate the value of academic and research libraries and their contribution to institutional mission and goals. Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report Megan Oakleaf for the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) September 2010. Retrieved from:

15 Shift Happens… BrainyQuote. Charles Darwin Quotes. Retrieved on July 24, 2012 from: It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.

16 Resources  The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 Higher Education Edition HE.pdf  AUCC Trends in Higher Education

17 Discussion/Questions

18 Aucc trends in Higher Education  2011-vol1-enrolment-e.pdf 2011-vol1-enrolment-e.pdf  _vol2_e.pdf _vol2_e.pdf  _vol3_e.pdf _vol3_e.pdf  re_e.pdf re_e.pdf

19 Globe and Mail  iPads are in, Cursive Writing is out  /primary-to-secondary/ipads-are-in-cursive-is-out-and- other-education-trends/article2254353/ /primary-to-secondary/ipads-are-in-cursive-is-out-and- other-education-trends/article2254353/  The Future of Education  'Right now, we build minds the same way we build cars‘  ucation/primary-to-secondary/a-radical-approach- to-teaching-canadian-students-in-the-digital- age/article1358971/ ucation/primary-to-secondary/a-radical-approach- to-teaching-canadian-students-in-the-digital- age/article1358971/

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