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Steps for Writing a STAAR Persuasive Essay. STEP #1 READ the prompt. Circle the most important word in the prompt (the subject). Should school librarians.

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Presentation on theme: "Steps for Writing a STAAR Persuasive Essay. STEP #1 READ the prompt. Circle the most important word in the prompt (the subject). Should school librarians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps for Writing a STAAR Persuasive Essay

2 STEP #1 READ the prompt. Circle the most important word in the prompt (the subject). Should school librarians ban inappropriate books from the school library?

3 STEP #2 Brainstorm a list of reasons for and against the issue or position. For banning books: --students are too young to make decisions about what they read --librarians don’t want parents mad at them --students should only read about pleasant and non- controversial topics Against banning books: --the Constitution allows us the freedom of speech, freedom of press --students need to learn to make responsible choices about what they read --students should not be sheltered from controversial world news --students can find inappropriate material on the Internet --the question of appropriate reading is debatable, it cannot be determined by one individual

4 STEP #3 Choose the position you want to argue. Either “Yes, school libraries should censor books” OR “No, school libraries should not censor books.”

5 STEP #4 Choose the two “reasons” for which you can write the best argument. --One “reason” for each body paragraph

6 STEP #5 Before you write anything else, focus on answering the prompt by writing a position statement, also known as a thesis statement. Rearrange words from the prompt into a statement, then follow it with “because” and then add two reasons. (This is the road map for the rest of your essay!) School librarians should not ban books from the school library because students need to learn to choose for themselves and it goes against the American Constitution.

7 STEP #6 Now go back and create the introductory paragraph and plug the thesis statement into the end. a.The first sentence is the “hook.” Re-read the information before the prompt to find the general subject. Think general and broad. How does this topic affect “the world” or “life”? Question what would happen “without”… --What would the world be like without books? b.The second sentence must “draw a line” from the hook to the thesis. Think of what the two have in common, which is usually the end of the hook. --While books are very important, it can be difficult to overlook the value of books that have disagreeable or inappropriate subjects. Put the three sentences together to make the Intro Paragraph.

8 Introductory Paragraph Hook: What would the world be like without…._________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Line: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________ Sinker (Position/Thesis Statement): State your position on the argument *because* > and >.

9 Persuasive Phrases Include these phrases to ensure the persuasive nature of your essay: It is certain that… The logical conclusion is… The fact is… The truth is… The correct perspective is… Common sense reveals that… The bottom line is… In reality,… The essential idea is… With certainty, a person can say that… In the majority of cases…

10  Concession is when you acknowledge or recognize the opposing viewpoint, conceding something that has some merit  A reader of your essay is more likely to listen to you if you show you can see his/her point of view before you counter that argument

11 Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: >. Although some may disagree, Or Yes, objectionable books may have content that may be mature; however, students need to learn to think independently and make decisions for themselves and if libraries ban objectionable books, students will not be able to do so.

12  Commentary/explanation/example for >:  Imagine that a young girl reads The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and is outraged at the treatment of slaves in the novel. Because of reading this objectionable material, she decides to become a human rights activist and influences society in a profound way. If a librarian had taken away this option, the young girl might not have made that important decision about her life’s work.

13 Body Paragraph 2 Topic sentence: >. Also, an essential idea is that limiting students’ access to controversial writing is a breach of their freedom under the Constitution.

14  Commentary for >:  For example, the Constitution of the United States of America proclaims certain “inalienable rights” for its citizens that include freedom of speech and freedom of press. If a student (who is, in fact, a citizen) is not allowed to pursue certain information banned by a library, that is limiting his or her freedom. It is also suppressing the freedom that authors have to distribute their ideas, beliefs, and philosophies.

15 Conclusion Paragraph For the reasons above, inappropriate books should not be banned for the content and librarians should promote the freedom of choice reading in school libraries.

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