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Categorized Muscles By Lara and Carina. Gymnastics These are the upper and lower muscles we use in gymnastics. Upper Lower Deltoid Quadriceps femoris.

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Presentation on theme: "Categorized Muscles By Lara and Carina. Gymnastics These are the upper and lower muscles we use in gymnastics. Upper Lower Deltoid Quadriceps femoris."— Presentation transcript:

1 Categorized Muscles By Lara and Carina

2 Gymnastics These are the upper and lower muscles we use in gymnastics. Upper Lower Deltoid Quadriceps femoris Pectorals maser Adductor muscles Rectos abdominals Tibialis anterior Abdominal external oblique Perineus brevis Iliopsoas Peroneus lunges Rotator cuff Biceps brachia Brachialis Pronator terse Brachioradialis

3 Netball Arm and leg muscles we use in netball. Arm Leg Infraspinatus Soleus Triceps Peroneus longus Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor digitorum longus Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius Achilles tendon

4 Soccer Upper and lower muscles we use in soccer. Upper Lower Head Groin Neck Upper leg Shoulder Knee Chest Lower leg Arms Foot and ankle Back Hand and wrist Stomach

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