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Sustainable Development Indicators Session Objectives: l Develop relevant SD indicators l Suggest policies to improve SD indicators.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development Indicators Session Objectives: l Develop relevant SD indicators l Suggest policies to improve SD indicators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development Indicators Session Objectives: l Develop relevant SD indicators l Suggest policies to improve SD indicators

2 Agenda l What are SD indicators? l A framework l Use of SD indicators l Discussion

3 What are SD Indicators? l SD has economic, social, and environmental dimensions, among others. l SD indicators are measurements of key economic, social, and environmental developments against desirable objectives l These indicators can be developed at local, national, and international levels.

4 Selection of SD Indicators l Reflect most important aspects of quality of life at a selected geographical level l A few highly representative indicators l Easy to communicate l Possible for regular compilation l There are target indicators as benchmarks

5 Suggested Economic Indicators l Per capita Environmentally-adjusted Net Domestic Product (EDP): genuine net value created by an economy in a given period divided by population l Rate of unemployment

6 Suggested Social Indicators l Illiteracy rate l Number of people living under poverty line as a share of total population l Gini coefficients: measure the equality of income distribution (0 = perfectly equal, 100 perfectly unequal)

7 Suggested Environmental Indicators l Per capita forested area l Share of population with access to safe drinking water l CO2 emissions

8 A Framework 1

9 A Framework 2 World standards or average EDP/head Unemployment Poverty Gini co-efficient Illiteracy Forested area/head Safe water CO 2 emissions Current status

10 Use of SD Indicators l Raise awareness of the status in the most important aspects of quality of life l Motivate policy makers to find solutions l Provide a basis for SD policy making l Motivate public support for SD policies l Evaluate effectiveness of SD policies l Provide a sense of direction

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