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Intermediary responsibility and safe harbors – why they matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermediary responsibility and safe harbors – why they matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermediary responsibility and safe harbors – why they matter

2 What is an “intermediary”?

3 Intermediaries are key enablers of the Internet’s success

4 The Internet depends on clear safe harbors for intermediaries

5 Existing safe harbors have been crucial to the Internet’s success Communications Decency Act Section 230 “Intermediaries should not be required to monitor user-generated content and should not be subject to extrajudicial content takedown rules which fail to provide sufficient protection for freedom of expression” – UN’s Joint Declaration of Freedom of Expression on the Internet

6 Safe harbors need to be broad, clear and practical

7 Intermediary responsibility and addressing misuse of the Internet

8 Attacking problems at the ends of the network Eg: Client side filtering tools

9 Safe harbors enable market solutions Eg: YouTube’s Content ID

10 Safe harbors enable market solutions Eg: Community guidelines and flagging tools

11 Safe harbors enable market solutions Eg: Spam

12 Pursue the most proportional response

13 Leave room for adaptation

14 Thank you

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