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Technology and the Church. Technology – Friend and Foe  Neil Postman “most people believe that technology is a staunch friend … it makes life easier,

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Presentation on theme: "Technology and the Church. Technology – Friend and Foe  Neil Postman “most people believe that technology is a staunch friend … it makes life easier,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology and the Church

2 Technology – Friend and Foe  Neil Postman “most people believe that technology is a staunch friend … it makes life easier, cleaner and longer … It’s gifts are not without a heavy cost … it creates a culture without a moral foundation. It undermines certain mental processes and social relations that make human life worth living”

3 Technology and the Church Exposing the problem that technology has created in communicating Theology, Doctrine, and the Gospel

4 Technology and the Church  What problem?  The History of our communication problem.  Text Me – Communication Today!  What are the current communication tools?  From Smoke Signals to Books to Twitter  What is the problem with today’s communication tools?  What should we then do?  Is this a fad or a paradigm shift in communication?

5 What Problem?  Remember When? People would travel from miles around to listen to a three hour debate.  Lincoln-Douglas Debates Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was an anomaly Two hour sermons brought revival instead of a pink slip.  Chicago Newpaper Reporter re: Abraham Lincoln (1858) "Of his speech I will only say that it lasted three hours, and that during all that time the whole audience seemed perfectly wrapt in attention"  Timothy Turner “Consider the old preaching model…hearers came to church with a sober-minded sense of responsibility to pay attention to and to concentrate on the sermon … regardless of whether or not the sermon was effortless to hear or enjoyable to experience.”

6 I Don’t See a Problem…TV  I don’t even remember the 60’s and 70’s More than POT and LSD Sesame Street, the Great Educator  Not Lazy, just streamlined Active to Passive My Job to Your Job Work to Entertainment  Learning in the 80’s and 90’s Tell ME Why I Should Listen! Be Quick – Re-engage Me! Entertain ME!  Neil Postman “Our culture’s adjustment to the epistemology of television is by now all but complete; we have so thoroughly accepted its definitions of truth, knowledge, and reality that irrelevance seems to us to be filled with import, and incoherence seems eminently sane.”  Timothy Turner “Every adult in your congregation has watched 30-40,000 hours of TV … the people to whom you preach have a love affair with TV.”

7 Nothing u do 4 the lord is in vain. I have a hard time recognizing God in the middle of everything Nice shirt JVo The more I press in to Him, the more He presses me out to be useful Sometimes healing is painful To be selfless, humble He has given me so much … could you in your church? I Still Don’t See a Problem… twitter

8 Talk to Me!  The Technologies Email IM / Texting Blog  Personal  Facebook  Discussion  SharperIron Twitter  The Style Short Messages Coherency and Cohesion Optional Multiple Conversations  George Barna “technologies have begun to rewire the ways in which people (especially the young) meet, express themselves, use content and stay connected.”  TIME “the creation of Twitter … is as significant and paradigm-shifting as the invention of Morse code, the telephone, radio, television or the personal computer.”

9 Smoke Signals?  Communication Mediums Smoke Signals Books Twitter  Marshall McLuhan “The medium is the message”

10 What Should We Then Do?  Remember Step 1 Admit we have a problem  Challenge the Source of the Problem

11 Technology and the Church - Recap  History of our Communication Problem  Some Current Communication Tools  Problem with Today’s Communication  Fad or Paradigm Shift?

12 Bibliography  Gilley, Gary E. This Little Church Went to Market – The Church in the Age of Entertainment. Fairfax VA : Xulon Press, 2002.  Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death – Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. New York : Penguin Books, 1985.  Postman, Neil. Technopoly – The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York : Vintage Books, 1993.  Turner, Timothy A. Preaching to Programmed People – Effective Communication in a Media-Saturated Society. Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Resources, 1995.

13 To Continue the Discussion 

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