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Tang and Song Dynasties Tang: 608-907 CE Song: 960-1279 CE.

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Presentation on theme: "Tang and Song Dynasties Tang: 608-907 CE Song: 960-1279 CE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tang and Song Dynasties Tang: 608-907 CE Song: 960-1279 CE

2 Rise of the Tang China divided for 400 years post-Han Warring states period Tang Taizong – Expanded borders Conquers rest of Vietnam, Tibet, and Korea Creates Tributary states

3 Emperor Tang Taizong Empress Wu Zhao

4 Government and Economy Government Civil service system Confucian trained bureaucracy Middle class and wealthy families participate in gov’t Public works Grand Canal Economy Traditional economy Land reform Peasants More $$$ - Why?

5 The Grand Canal




9 The Song The Song Dynasty 960-1279 AD

10 Agriculture Irrigation and new strains of rice Two rice crops a year!! Food Surplus 10 Cities over 1 million Trade and Advancements Merchants trading porcelain and silk on land/sea Improve paper money Magnetic compass Advances in math (arithmetic and algebra)

11 Social Structure

12 Status of Women Declined during the Song period Ran the house/family affairs Finances Discipline Servants Boys valued more Foot binding – ouch! Reinforces lower status Reinforces Confucian values “Inside” people

13 Foot Binding


15 The Arts… Over 600 poets Porcelain – Shiny, hard pottery Blue and white Landscape paintings Emphasized Daoist principles


17 Decline

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