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Sing a song Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the window. And point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the blackboard.

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Presentation on theme: "Sing a song Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the window. And point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the blackboard."— Presentation transcript:



3 Sing a song Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the window. And point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the blackboard. And Point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down Point to the desk. And point to the door.

4 What’s this? It's a pencil.

5 It’s a pen.

6 It’s a bag.

7 What's this? It's a chair.

8 What’s this? It’s a desk.

9 What’s this? It's a book.

10 It’s a cat. What’s this?

11 It's a monkey. It's a panda. What's this?

12 It's a door. What's this?

13 It’s a hat. What's this?

14 It's a present.

15 Module 8 Unit 1 It’s on your desk.

16 box it's a box. What's this?

17 toy(s) It's a toy. What's this?

18 position 位置 in 在 …… 里面 on 在 …… 上面 under 在 …… 下面 It’s in the box. It’s on the box. It’s under the box. behind 在 ….. 后面 It’s behind the box.

19 It's in the box. It's under the chair. Where is the money ? Who can try? Where is the box ?

20 It's on the desk. It's behind the box. Where is the cat ?

21 Let’s chant.( 师生齐做手势操 ) On,on,on ; In,in,in ; Under,under,under ; Behind,behind,behind ;

22 Listen and do Hold up your book. Now I say and you do.

23 It ’ s on the desk. where is the box? Let`s say it together.

24 It’s in the box. Where is the pencil?

25 It’s under the chair. Where is the pen?

26 It`s behind the door. Where is the baby?

27 Can you fill in the blanks with on / in /under/behind? The panda is the hat. on in

28 The panda is the hat. The girl is the door. under behind

29 Pairs work time A:Where is the monkey? B:it's the box. A:Where is the monkey? B:it's the box. A:Where is the monkey? B:it ‘ s the box. A:Where is the monkey? B:it ‘ s the box. on in under behind 1 2 3 4

30 Daming

31 circle the words on / in /under/behind Please turn on your book on page44.



34 Homework 给每名学生准备一张图片 ( 上有一张 桌子,一把椅子,一张床,一个盒子。 ) 学生按要求完成此画。并描述这张画。要 求是: The apple is on the desk./The banana is under the bed./The orange is behind the chair./The football is in the box.

35 Thank you! Bye-bye! Thank you to all the teachers and children.

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