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Mrs. Dueñas 1Welcome... Mrs. D's Class. 2  Polite and cordial behavior is expected  Follow the Golden Rule.  Use “please” and “thank you” 3Welcome...

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Dueñas 1Welcome... Mrs. D's Class. 2  Polite and cordial behavior is expected  Follow the Golden Rule.  Use “please” and “thank you” 3Welcome..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Dueñas 1Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

2 2

3  Polite and cordial behavior is expected  Follow the Golden Rule.  Use “please” and “thank you” 3Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

4  Be on time.  Expected to be prepared  Expected to be seated when instruction is ready to begin 4Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

5  Listen and follow all directions  Listen and follow all instructions  Listen when others are speaking  Be polite and use attentive listening behavior 5Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

6  Daily homework is due the next day  LP’s are given weekly and due on Fridays  Pay attention to the due dates of long-term projects  Study spelling, vocabulary, and math during the week  Don’t procrastinate 6Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

7  Be prepared! No exceptions!  Bring: backpack, books, work, other materials everyday.  Label your personal materials 7Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

8  Raise a quiet hand and wait  Speaking out and discussing your thoughts  Use only positive and encouraging comments  Negative comments and attitudes will not be tolerated 8Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

9  Respect each other:  No Put Downs and No Bullying  Zero tolerance for those who verbally, physically, or emotionally abuse others  Use language of respect  Respect the space and property of others 9Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

10  Group projects = cooperation  Do NOT plagiarize  If you use or copy something from the internet, a book, an encyclopedia, an almanac, etc., you must cite the source. If you plagiarize, you will receive a “0”. 10Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

11  Use restroom before/after class or during recesses  Do not leave the classroom during instruction  Use time wisely during recesses 11Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

12  Personal items, playground or PE equipment, make-up, electronics and phones, will be left at home or out of sight 12Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

13  If you bring inappropriate items and are seen by the teacher, they will be confiscated to the JUNE BOX.  Or your parent may pick it up, after school, with an explanation by you of why it was taken. Welcome... Mrs. D's Class13

14  Cell phones are to be turned OFF!  They are not to be seen or heard until off campus. Welcome... Mrs. D's Class14

15  Healthy snacks  Junk food like soda or chips is to be eaten at lunch time  Do NOT eat in class.  Hydrate yourself in moderation 15Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

16  Communicate with your teacher/parents  Get parents to sign, ASAP  Issues, ?’s, concerns, you don’t understand, ask good questions … talk to me 16Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

17  Grades are communicated with you and your parents ~ every 4 weeks  Not achieving goals? Do what you need to do to improve the grades:  Accel Project(s), Test Repairs, Extra Credit  I will do my best to help you achieve your goals  Own and accept the consequences for not working at your best  Don’t wait until the last minute to improve your grades. Fix the grades ASAP! Welcome... Mrs. D's Class17

18 18Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

19  The school-wide card system is used in class and throughout the campus  Blue = good day  Green = warning  Yellow = owe 1 recess  Orange = Time-out, phone call home and owe 2 recesses  Red = Office referral and owe “X” recesses  White = suspension  You may need to owe time after school 19Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

20  Privileges and Fabulous Falcons are used for rewards. 20Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

21  One 2 inch three-ring binder with tabbed dividers or folders per subject:  Homework, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies  Agenda  All necessary books and workbooks  Pencils and other supplies  Readiness to work! 21Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

22 22Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

23  Grades on assignments are based on the points earned for that assignment out of the total points available. (18/20 = 90%) I usually use %’s in the grade book.  Tests and quizzes, projects, and other work are ‘weighted’ differently in each subject  Generally, tests are weighed more and than projects, quizzes, and other work 23Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

24  Your Report Card Grade for each subject will be based on the cumulative points earned over the course of the trimester.  3.0-3.9 = Honor Roll  3-5-4.0 = District Honor Roll  4.0 (all A’s) = Principal’s Award 24Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

25 The Grading Scale  100% - 90% = A = 5 = Above Standard Expectations = + or +  89% - 80% = B = 4 At Standard Expectations =  79% - 70% = C = 3 At Standard Expectations =  69% - 60% = D = 2 Approaching, but not at the Standard Expectations = -  59% and below = F = 1 Below Standard Expectations = - 25Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

26  Know your Student ID number to look up your posted grades  Memorize or write down your Student ID number  Write your Student ID number in your Agenda 26Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

27 27

28  Set goals for yourself:  Semester and for the year  Goal setting gives you a purpose for your work  Goal setting helps your focus during the year Welcome... Mrs. D's Class28

29 Grade Goals Semester Goals-  Honor Roll  Principal’s Award Yearly Goals-  Lamp of Knowledge  Principal’s Plaque Welcome... Mrs. D's Class29

30 Leadership Goals  Levels of achievement: the # of hours from Service-Learning Logs  Tutoring, Student Leadership Jobs, Teacher Assistant, Helping in our classroom, Helping outside of school, etc.  Foulks Ranch (1-10 hours)  Governor’s (11-24)  Presidential:  Bronze (25-49)  Silver (50-99)  Gold (100+) Welcome... Mrs. D's Class30

31 31Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

32  Be ORGANIZED! Plan out your work and assignments.  Assignments: completed thoroughly and handed in on time.  Turn in the work to the appropriate place  You are given an appropriate amount of time to complete assignments. DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!!  Use Agenda to write in ALL assignments and due dates  Talk with your teacher if you have any concerns or questions 32Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

33  Late and/or missing work may lower your grade or can be a 0 (zero). 33Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

34  You will owe recesses to finish missing or unfinished work and assignments. 34Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

35  It is your responsibility to understand the work when it is being explained or presented  Ask questions to be clear about each assignment 35Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

36  Use Study Guides on reading and/or math tests  Cannot use Study Guides for any Vocabulary tests  Take good notes during instruction and when studying on your own Welcome... Mrs. D's Class36

37  Extra Credit/Accel Projects: at any time  The work- to be aligned to 6 th grade academic standards  Must have all other work finished before starting extra work  All final work to be turned in for credit prior to locking of grades  Use Bibliographies at the end of your Projects  Cite all sources and resources used to receive full credit 37Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

38  Test Repair Forms- use on any test or quiz, but not on finals  Have a partner - student or parent - to help you fill out and complete  Follow all directions on the form  Any form not completely or correctly filled out, will not be graded 38Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

39  Parent signs a test, receive 5 extra points on the test  Turn in a signed Study Guide, receive 5 extra points on your grade (teacher’s grade book)  Study Guide is fully completed, receive 25 extra points on your grade (teacher’s grade book) Welcome... Mrs. D's Class39

40  Reading = part of your homework. To show that you are reading, you must take AR tests.  Meet the (quarterly) goals, you will receive extra rewards  The closing date for AR points = the closing date for grades 40Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

41 41Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

42  Your responsibility to get and complete work/tests for your absence  Have one day to make up the work/tests for each day of your absence  Need additional time to finish your work/tests? Communicate with teacher for a possible extension. 42Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

43  Green Absent Folder = absent work, on your desk  Classroom blog site for assignments to stay on time of homework assignments  E-mail me or friends for homework assignments  Parent pick up necessary books and/or papers for the day’s homework Welcome... Mrs. D's Class43

44 44Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

45  Don’t procrastinate on your assignments and projects  Using good organization and knowing what you need to do are great skills 45Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

46  Homework calendar = Agenda  Copy exactly the way it is written on the board each day  It is possible to have the homework assignments e-mailed to your home  Check the classroom blog site for the weekly homework assignments 46Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

47  All assignments kept secure in your binder or appropriate folder  No loose papers in your binder or desk  Graded and returned assignments to be returned into the file box  Don’t throw away your papers until your parents have seen them. They need to know about ALL of your work. 47Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

48  Keep your desk and binder organized at all times  At the end of the day, the top of your desk should be cleared of all materials  Periodic desk and binder checks 48Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

49  Textbooks should be stored on the rolling cart  Only use your assigned textbook  At the end of the day, your spiral notebooks, folders and supplies will be stored in your desk 49Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

50 50Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

51  Students and parents are welcome to call for information or tutoring, especially if you need help to finish any assigned work! 51Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

52  My e-mail address:  The school phone number: 684-8177  Our blog-page for information:  Our wikispace-page for most assignment sheets and worksheets:  Write these sites into your Agenda! Welcome... Mrs. D's Class52

53  I am available for assistance before and after class, and during recesses  Ask for help from your parents  Ask for help from your peers  Seek assistance or extra practice on the internet, from reliable sites 53Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

54  Communicate with me. An open door policy means just that!  Don’t be shy or afraid.  Accept consequences from not being responsible and own your inappropriate behaviors. 54Welcome... Mrs. D's Class

55  Get ready for the BEST year EVER!!!!  You are going to learn A LOT this year. But I will help you to do your best and to learn at your very best.  You will be VERY PREPARED for next year in Middle School, and beyond Welcome... Mrs. D's Class55

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