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Unit 2 Front Desk (I) Period 4 Unit 2 Front Desk (I) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Front Desk (I) Period 4 Unit 2 Front Desk (I) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Front Desk (I) Period 4 Unit 2 Front Desk (I) Period 4 Vocational Education Hotel English

2 Words and Expressnions Listening 4 Text Reading Text Learning Content

3 Revision 1. Review the dialogues learnt during the last period 2. Read and recite Dialogue 3. 3.Have a dictation: --- I’d like to change my room. --- I’m sorry to hear that. --- Do you mind moving… --- I will send a bellboy to help you with your luggage.

4 Warm Up

5 Words and Expressions  create [kr ɪ 'e ɪ t ] v. 创造;创建  currency ['k ʌ rəns ɪ ] n. 货币  department [d ɪ 'p ɑ :tmənt] n. 部,部门  enter ['entə(r)] v. 进入;加入  exchange [ ɪ ks't ʃ e ɪ nd ʒ ] v. 兑换;交换  foreign ['f ɔ rin] adj. 外国的,国外的  friendly ['frendl ɪ ] adj. 友好的  Impression [ ɪ m'pre ʃ n] n. 印象

6 Words and Expressions  information [ ɪ nfə'me ɪʃ n];资料  nerve [nə:v] n. 神经  provide [prə'va ɪ d] v. 供应,供给  receptionist [r ɪ 'sep ʃ ən ɪ st] n.接待员  staff [st ɑ :f] n.全体工作人员  window ['windəu] n. 窗,窗口  word [w ɜ :d] n. 词

7 Words and Expressions  check in 入住;登记  check out 结账后离开  department store百货公司  give an impression to sb给...留下印象  in a word 总之  make for移向;走向  nerve center神经中枢;控制中心  shop window橱窗

8 The Front Desk When a guest enters a hotel, he will first make for the Front Desk. It is important for the staff at the Front Desk to be friendly, helpful and to give a good impression to their guests. The Front Desk is an important in a hotel. It receives reservations, welcomes guests and helps them check in and out, provides information, exchanges foreign currency and so on. In a word, the Front Desk of a hotel is very important in creating a home for all the guests. It is not only its shop windows but also its nerve center. Text Reading

9 Exercise  Fill in the blanks according to the text:  1).It is important for at the front desk to be friendly, helpful and to to their guests.  2). is a busy department in a hotel.  3).,the Front Desk of a hotel is very important in creating a home for all the guests.

10 1.the staff, give a good impression 2.The front desk 3.In a word Keys to the exercise :

11 Sentence Translation  It is not only its shop window but also its nerve center. 它不仅是酒店的窗口也是酒店的神经中枢。  --- exchange foreign currency 兑换外币  --- give good impression 给人留下好的印象

12 Language Points  --- make for 走向 eg. He rose from his seat and made for the door.他从椅子上起身向门口走去。  --- It is important for… …是很重要的 eg. It is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. 对每个人来说,保护好视力是非常重要的.  ---In a word 总而言之 eg. In a word, he tires of everything.  简言之,他对一切都感到厌倦了。

13  Read article loudly and try to translate it into Chinese.  Copy new words and expressions. Summary & Homework

14 Thank you for your cooperation!

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