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Networks ∙ Services ∙ People EGI User Forum, Bari Open Calls (Past, Present & Future) 10 th November 2015 Michael Enrico Technical/JRA Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Networks ∙ Services ∙ People EGI User Forum, Bari Open Calls (Past, Present & Future) 10 th November 2015 Michael Enrico Technical/JRA Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People EGI User Forum, Bari Open Calls (Past, Present & Future) 10 th November 2015 Michael Enrico Technical/JRA Coordinator CTO, GÉANT Annabel Grant Open Call Coordinator Senior Business Development Officer, GÉANT and the new world order for E-Infrastructures

2 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The briefest of overviews of the E-Infrastructure known as GÉANT – Michael An Overview of the (last) GÉANT Open Call (what?, why?, how?, lessons learned, impact) – Annabel A quick look at some of the Open Call Projects – Michael New EC focus for e-infras: what does this mean in practice? – Annabel Questions & Answers – Panel discussion 2 Agenda

3 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Latest transmission and switching technology Routers with 100Gbps capability Optical transmission platform designed to provide 500Gbps super-channels 12,000km of dark fibre Over 100,000km of leased capacity (including transatlantic connections) 28 main sites covering European footprint GÉANT: Europe’s 500Gbps Network And an e-Infrastructure for Horizon 2020 Together with Europe’s NRENs, GÉANT connects 50M users in 10,000 European institutions GÉANT connects 65 countries outside of Europe, reaching all continents through international partners

4 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 4 The Context of our last Open Call The GÉANT Innovation Programme (RTD focussed) JRA1: Network Architectures for Horizon 2020 JRA2: Technology Testing for Specific Service Applications JRA3: Identity & Trust Services for GÉANT Services SA6: Service Management and Operation NA1: ManagementNA2: Comms & Promotion NA3: Status & TrendsNA4: Int & Business Dev SA1: Core Backbone Services SA2: Testbeds as a Service SA3: Network Service Delivery SA4: Network Support Services SA5: Application Services SA7: Support to Clouds GÉANT Open Call Testbeds: GOFF, GTS (TaaS) Engagement with Standards Bodies Engagement with Open Source Dev Communities

5 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People

6 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People So what is an “Open Call”? 6 method for openly selecting new partners to work with GÉANT following strict EC rules €3.3m ($3.7m) of GÉANT R&D budget “ring fenced” for Open Call programme 21 projects of with 18 month duration (October 2013-March 2015) On average 2-4 partners per project working together 37 beneficiaries most universities/RI but also commercial organisations Average EC contribution per project €100-€350k

7 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 7 Why did we do it? Two good reasons (there are many more…) Innovation keeps GÉANT products/services world class Leveraging expertise outside “traditional” GÉANT box

8 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 8 What did the programme look like? – “Users”/”Suppliers of R&D expertise” and how did it really work?

9 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People What did we learn? 1. integrating / “hand holding” projects = better outcomes 9

10 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 10 “ Future development of CoCo may result in new services GEANT could offer to its community or become a platform by which others could offer this service”. “This WoT4LoA work has significant promise to reduce the challenge of gaining high quality identity information without having to boil the ocean!” What did we learn? 2. new partners (including SMEs) = tangible results/sustained impact for GÉANT

11 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People DREAMER = Distributed REsilient sdn Architecture MEeting carrier grade Requirements Partners: CNIT, CREATE-NET, GARR OF/SDN CP ≡ IP/MPLS CP (with CG resiliency & fault mgmt) Scientific & experimental dimensions Data plane software – developed OSHI (open source hybrid IP/SDN networking) Services considered – IP P2P VLL & Layer2 PW Control plane – exploited & contributed to ONOS controller (ICONA) Developed experimental tools – Mantoo (mgmt tools) which include a web front-end called Topology 3D Continuing to use Testbed (GTS) Results being actively used in GN4-1 JRA2 11 Examples of Projects DREAMER (from SDN area) Demo at ONS 2015 GTS played a key role in that

12 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People SENSE = Secure Enterprise Networks finally Simple and Easy Partners: PSNC & RESTENA Greatly improve enterprise WIFI authentication landscape Make EAP protocol supplicants more secure, user friendly & feature rich Multi-platform config file format for EAP parameters – 2 versions of an IETF Internet draft (XML & Yang) Defined metrics for assessment of supplicants EAPlab - toolkit including conformance testing Written & published 2 supplicants – Android & Linux Latest supplicant (post SENSE, but same people) is for OS X El Capitan 12 Examples of Projects SENSE (from TRUST & ID area)

13 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People ICOF= International Clock Comparisons via Optical Fibre Partners: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesnastalt (PTB); Observatoire de Paris (LNE-SYRTE); National Physical Laboratory (NPL) About using long haul telecommunications fibre to support metrological comparisons of very accurate “atomic clocks” Requires specialist bi-directional amplifiers that can correct phase noise (e.g. induced by temperature variations) 13 Examples of Projects ICOF (from Optical Projects area)

14 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 14 The London-Paris Link 9 commercial bi-directional EDFAs 2 high-gain Brillouin amplifiers (PTB) Pair of dark fibres ~800 km ~200 dB loss Fibre provided by European research and education network GÉANT

15 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Networks ∙ Services ∙ People In summary: The GÉANT Open Call programme… 15 delivers lasting benefits…from more than 75% of the work added significant value to the GÉANT Community

16 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 16 EC Work Programme 16/17 – a clear focus….. Integration and consolidation of SMEs including service porfolios Operational services, operational services, operational services Opening up e-infras to “new markets”

17 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People EC focus is on combined and integrated e-infrastructures What will this mean in practice?? GEANT, EGI, PRACE, EUDAT, OpenAIRE + others will work together more often with joint priorities and goals for some projects (e.g. Open Call programme) All e-infrastructures will sign “collaboration” agreements with each other setting out what work will be done together There will be an integration of service catalogues and new service sets i.e. e- infrastructure “portfolio” of services for the end-user More and more that end-user ‘may’ be commercial SMEs 17 EC Work Programme 16/17 – A new landscape

18 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People EC focus is on Operational services What will this mean in practice for new products/services? EC have now split Innovation and production services Focus must now be primarily on Operational services >=TRL 6 Blue sky research and JRA style research is funded elsewhere Earlier stage innovation belongs in other parts of the work programme 18 EC Work Programme 16/17 – TRL6 and above

19 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People A way to formally assess the status of products Provides a common understanding of technology status Assists Risk management Used to make decisions concerning technology funding Used to make decisions concerning transition of technology Horizon 2020 TRL definitions TRL 9 –actual system proven in operational environment TRL 8 –system complete and qualified TRL 7 –system prototype demonstration in operational environment TRL 6 –technology demonstrated in relevant environment TRL 5 –technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies) TRL 4 –technology validated in lab TRL 3 –experimental proof of concept TRL 2 –technology concept formulated TRL 1 –basic principles observed 19 EC Assessment - Technical Readiness Levels #Brief_history_of_Technology_Readiness_Levels

20 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People What does this all mean for a joint e-infra “Open Call” programme?? 20 2014/152016/17 Funding€3.3m EC funding for GEANT (€4.2m programme in total) €6m EC funding for all e-infras FocusAllPrimarily SMEs and Industry Average project size€100-350k per project€60k - €150k per beneficiary Type of workEarly or late stage (many were TRL 0-6)Strictly TRL6 and above only Type of project- Using e-infrastructure resources e.g. testbeds - Providing services to e-infrastructures SMEs as: - New users of e-infra - Service providers for e-infra - Innovation generators for e-infras

21 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People working with other e-infras much more closely and collaboratively on shared programmes and projects working with innovation clusters for the first time “innovating with SMEs”/working with more SMEs: Enabling them to benefit from GEANT’s network and services Using SME skills to improve and create entirely new “user driven” GEANT products/services 21 Looking forward

22 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you Networks ∙ Services ∙ People This work is part of a project that has applied for funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 691567 (GN4-1). 22 {michael.enrico, annabel.grant} Questions and Answers

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