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An Overview of Strategic Planning or "VMOSA"

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Strategic Planning or "VMOSA""— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Strategic Planning or "VMOSA"

2 What is VMOSA? Vision Mission Objectives Strategies Action Plans

3 What is VMOSA? A practical strategic planning tool
A blueprint for moving from dreams to actions to outcomes An ongoing process

4 Why use VMOSA? To give your organization structure and direction
To help build consensus about what to do and how to do it To focus your organization's efforts

5 When to use V M O S A New organization New initiative or large project
New phase of ongoing effort Breathe life into an older initiative

6 Vision Statements: The dream
Examples: "Healthy adolescents" "Healthy babies" "Caring parents" "A community of hope" "Safe sex" "Teen power" "Caring relationships"

7 Mission: The what and why
Examples: To build a healthy community through a comprehensive initiative to promote jobs, education, and housing To promote adolescent health and development through school and community support and prevention

8 Objectives: The how much of what will be accomplished by when
Examples: By 2005, increase by 40% the number of adults who report caring activities with a child not their own. By 2015, decrease by 25% the number of reported cases of child abuse and neglect.

9 Strategies: The how Examples: Enhance experience and competence
Remove barriers Increase support and resources Make outcomes matter

10 Action Plans: The specifics of who will do what, by when, at what costs
These consist of: Action steps (what will be done) People responsible (by whom) Date completed (by when) Resources required (costs) Collaborators (who should know)

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