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Free Body Diagrams.

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1 Free Body Diagrams











12 FBD Word Problems Analyze the following situations and construct free body diagrams for each. From your diagrams, determine if the body is in equilibrium or not.

13 A block weighing 5 Newtons rests on a floor

14 A block weighing 10 N hangs from a rope.

15 A tractor pulls a loaded wagon weighing 2695 Newtons with a constant force of 440 Newtons. Ignore Friction.

16 A book wighing 4 Newtons falls to the floor. Ignore air resistance.

17 Two blocks weighing 5 Newtons rest on a level, frictionless surface and are connected by a light string. A horizontal force of 3 Newtons is applied to the first block

18 A 15 Newton force is applied at a 30 degree angle downward on a block weighing 7.35 N on a frictionless surface.

19 A packing crate weighing 392 Newtons rests on a 20 degree inclined plane where a 134 Newton friction force is present.

20 Two boats pull a 10 N water skier with 600 Newtons of force each
Two boats pull a 10 N water skier with 600 Newtons of force each. The retarding force between the water and the skis is 849 Newtons.

21 A person whose mass is 70 kg stands on a scale in an elevator
A person whose mass is 70 kg stands on a scale in an elevator. Construct a FBD for the SCALE when The elevator is at rest The elevator accelerates upward The elevator accelerates downward

22 In which case will the person apparently weigh more?
In which case will the person apparently weigh less?

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