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BY: KATELYN MCKINNEY, KRISTEN MEEKS & JANINE SCOTT The 401(k) and the Financial Crisis.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: KATELYN MCKINNEY, KRISTEN MEEKS & JANINE SCOTT The 401(k) and the Financial Crisis."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: KATELYN MCKINNEY, KRISTEN MEEKS & JANINE SCOTT The 401(k) and the Financial Crisis

2 An Overview of the 401(k) Defined contribution plan Tax deferral until withdrawal Tax deductible contributions Greater than 50 percent of U.S. have 401(k) accounts.

3 401 (k) Account Risks Market risk Longevity risk Risk of under saving

4 401(k) and the Financial Crisis Negative Factors during the Crisis: Financial Market Downturn Early Withdrawals Employer and Employee Cutbacks

5 Investors Effects on 401(k) Age: Young Investors Vs. 5yrs from Retirement Wealth: High Income vs. Low Budget Investors Risk: Risk Adverse Investors vs. Risk Takers

6 401(k) Participant Behavior in the Financial Crisis Individuals in need of money: -Take a loan from a bank instead of touching 401(k) funds -Interest rate on loan lower than rate of return on 401(k) -Opportunity cost of the interest made on 401 (k)

7 401 (k) Participant Behavior in the Financial Crisis Individuals not in need of money: -Invest their funds -Leave 401(k) alone “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” –Warren Buffett  Diversification=Security

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