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Sophia Edstrom CIS 1020 “My audience will be amazed at the amount of people that go into producing a television show!”

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Presentation on theme: "Sophia Edstrom CIS 1020 “My audience will be amazed at the amount of people that go into producing a television show!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sophia Edstrom CIS 1020 “My audience will be amazed at the amount of people that go into producing a television show!”


3  Production managers are known to be the “Jacks-of-all-trades”  Tracking Labor  Scheduling  Production and costs  Receiving materials  Shipping  Making Changes  Make sure everything is running correctly  $73,000/yr  Entry level, much less  Entrepreneurs


5 * Entry level position * Run errands * Multi-tasking for your superiors * Experience as a PA to further career

6  Oversees  Hiring actors  Marketing the show  Scripts  Sets and props  Extras  Equipment Transportation  Interviews

7 * Experience * Industry experience as: writers, actors, and PA * Undergraduate and graduate degrees in film and television * Example: Bachelor of Arts in Film or a Master of Fine Arts in Media Studies * Camera operator-experience in TV production and entertainment * No formal education needed * No specific Academic Degrees * Flexibility and adjusting * Background in economics, accounting, finances,manufacturing systems, organizational behavior or sociology.

8 * News Broadcaster * Promotions Manager * Sportscaster * Writer * Program Director * Advertising Executive * News Correspondant * Sound Technician

9 * Producers - $55,380- 2008, 11% growth * New York, California, District of Columbia * Camera Operators- $41,670- 2008, 11% * District of Columbia, Virginia, New Mexico

10 * Filming * Editinig * Broadcasting * Sporting events * Newscasts * Production assistants (many) * Producers * Camera operators



13 Step 1: Earn a high school diploma or equivalent Step 2: Complete a 4-year undergraduate program Step 3: Obtain Television Internship Experience Step 4: Gain employment as Assistant Producer Step 5: Consider Career Advancement to a Producer

14 * * http://education- Manager_Step-by-Step_Career_Guide.html http://education- Manager_Step-by-Step_Career_Guide.html * s/jobs/production-manager.php *

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