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Bacteria Structure, Reproduction and Recombination NICK TAMARO, CONNOR KEEFER, ALEXA MARQUIS, SLADE PFENDNER.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria Structure, Reproduction and Recombination NICK TAMARO, CONNOR KEEFER, ALEXA MARQUIS, SLADE PFENDNER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria Structure, Reproduction and Recombination NICK TAMARO, CONNOR KEEFER, ALEXA MARQUIS, SLADE PFENDNER

2  How Bacteria obtains energy  The differences between Obligate anaerobes, Facultative anaerobes, and Obligate aerobes  How bacterial cell reproduce  Genetic recombination and why it is important  Three major types of bacterial recombination  How bacteria can develop resistance to drugs

3 Types of Bacterial recombination  There are three main types of bacterial recombination  conjugation  transformation  transduction

4 Conjugation: the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells that go from cell to cell  involves the exchange to genes  genetic information is often helpful to the receiver  sends substances that other cells  can absorb and use for growing

5 Transformation: the genetic change of a cell resulting from the use of relating genetic material from its surroundings and is taken through the cell membrane  can be effected by artificial means in other cells  used to describe the insertion of new genetic material in non bacterial cells

6 Transduction: the process by which DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another by a virus  doesn’t require contact between the cell donating the DNA and the cell receiving the DNA  transfers DNA between cells

7 Obligate Anaerobes  Obligate anaerobes are microorganism that are killed normal atmospheric concentrations of oxygen  The oxygen poisons the anaerobe  They do not need oxygen to survive

8 Facultative anaerobes  An organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present  Is capable of switching to fermentation or anaerobic respiration if oxygen is absent  Certain Eukaryotes are Facultative anaerobes like Fungi

9 Obligate Aerobes  An organism that requires energy to grow  Through cellular respiration these organisms use oxygen to metabolize substances.  Examples being sugars and fats

10 How bacteria can develop resistance to drugs  Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria changes in some way  The drugs get reduced or eliminated in their effectiveness  The bacteria continue to multiply causing more harm

11 Reproduction: Binary Fission: Binary Fission: Bacteria grows double in size Replicates DNA Divides in half Makes 2 identical Daughter Cells

12 Reproduction : Binary Fission  Common in Prokaryotes  Occurs in some single-celled Eukaryotes  Asexual reproduction

13 Genetic Recombination  Production of offspring  Combinations of traits that differ from parents  Exchange of 2 homologous chromosomes  Most are naturally occurring

14 Genetic Recombination  Leads to a lot of genetic information  Information passed on from parents  During meiosis for eukaryotes

15 Bacteria obtains energy  Obtains energy by producing its own food  Digests other organisms  Digests organic compounds

16 Photoheterotrophs  An organism that depends on light for most of its energy and on organic compounds for its carbon  Needs direct sunlight  Feeding on living organisms

17 Photoautotrophs  Converts inorganic things into organic material in cellular functions  Uses respiration to provide nutrition for other forms of life  They include the plants, algae and certain protists bacteria

18 Chemoautotroph and Chemoheterotrophs  Obtain energy from chemical energy  Cannot use solar energy  Make their own food

19  How Bacteria obtains energy  The differences between Obligate anaerobes, Facultative anaerobes, and Obligate aerobes  How bacterial cell reproduce  Genetic recombination and why it is important  Three major types of bacterial recombination  How bacteria can develop resistance to drugs

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