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Polymer-based solar cells By: Víctor Castillo MEEN 3344.

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Presentation on theme: "Polymer-based solar cells By: Víctor Castillo MEEN 3344."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polymer-based solar cells By: Víctor Castillo MEEN 3344

2 Composition Thin films of polymers Thin films of polymers Small-molecule compounds like: Small-molecule compounds like: Polyphenylene vinylene Polyphenylene vinylene Copper Phthalocyanine Copper Phthalocyanine Carbon fullerenes Carbon fullerenes

3 Characteristics Lightweight Lightweight Very designable Very designable Low environmental impact Low environmental impact Plasticized look Plasticized look Dark in color Dark in color

4 Uses Low energy calculators Low energy calculators Battery chargers Battery chargers Electrical feeders Electrical feeders Charging backpacks Charging backpacks

5 Vs Silicon cells Advantages: Cheaper (about one-tenth) Cheaper (about one-tenth) Environment EnvironmentDisadvantages: Efficiency (only ¼ compared to silicon) Efficiency (only ¼ compared to silicon) Degradation Degradation

6 References Bailey, S., Harris, J., Hepp, A., Anglin, E., Raffaelle, R. Thin film organic solar cells for space power. Nasa Glenn Resarch Center. Bailey, S., Harris, J., Hepp, A., Anglin, E., Raffaelle, R. Thin film organic solar cells for space power. Nasa Glenn Resarch Center. Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Dennler G., and Sariciftci N.S. Flexible Conjugated Polymer-Based Plastic Solar Cells. 2005 Dennler G., and Sariciftci N.S. Flexible Conjugated Polymer-Based Plastic Solar Cells. 2005 Winters, Jeffrey. Catching more rays. Winters, Jeffrey. Catching more rays. Plastic, Crystal-Based Solar Cells Being Developed 9/7/2006. r/7/84392.a Plastic, Crystal-Based Solar Cells Being Developed 9/7/2006. r/7/84392.a

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