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Activating Prior Knowledge Raise your hand if you have houseplants in your home? Where are houseplants usually placed?

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Presentation on theme: "Activating Prior Knowledge Raise your hand if you have houseplants in your home? Where are houseplants usually placed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activating Prior Knowledge Raise your hand if you have houseplants in your home? Where are houseplants usually placed?

2 What happens if a houseplant doesn’t get enough light? Why do plants need light?

3 What is Photosynthesis? The process by which cell of an autotroph captures the energy in sunlight and uses it to make food is called photosynthesis.

4 What is chloroplast? A structure in the cells of plants and some other organisms that captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food.

5 What is chlorophyll? A substance that gives chloroplasts their green color and captures light energy during photosynthesis.

6 What do plants need to make food? Carbon dioxide Water Sunlight

7 What two substances are produced during the process of photosynthesis? Glucose (sugar) Oxygen

8 What happens to the products of photosynthesis? Plant cells use some glucose for food. Other glucose molecules are converted to cellulose, a chemical that plays an important role in the structure of the cell wall of plants.

9 What happens to the products of photosynthesis? Most of the oxygen passes out of the plant and into the atmosphere. Autotrophs have produced almost all of this oxygen through photosynthesis.

10 Why is oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere important? Most living things use oxygen in the cells of their bodies to release the energy in food.

11 How does the cell “save” and “withdraw” energy? Saves in the form of sugars. Withdraws it by breaking down the sugars and releasing energy from their sugars.

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