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Creative Links – the unfolding story A Pioneering Approach to transnational collaboration and arts/business links in the north east and Sweden 2007…

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Links – the unfolding story A Pioneering Approach to transnational collaboration and arts/business links in the north east and Sweden 2007…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Links – the unfolding story A Pioneering Approach to transnational collaboration and arts/business links in the north east and Sweden 2007…

2 The art of conversation Diplomatic relationships Early influencers Bilateral research Appetite for region to region collaboration led by culture Signature of Commitment to Collaborate June 2012 Organic development of three streams – leverage £2,439,000 Bilateral cultural/creative industries partnerships (current contracts £1.6m) Resilience – catalysing connections with business (current value £220,000) Cultural tourism - £619,400 (NGI impact model values)

3 The beginning Not a formal European programme Not a strategic alliance Not a twinning arrangement Not forced by economic imperative INSTEAD Influencer led Underpinned by a small hub of cultural/educational pioneers Born out of common appreciation of the value of culture/creativity

4 The middle – definition of activity Exchange of cultural and artistic best-practice Knowledge and skills transfer Commissions, joint-ventures Building the network – inward and outward visits and UKTI trade missions Extending the boundaries/network porosity From arts/culture and creative industries to education and training the environment and sustainability and identification of new European programme partners

5 Now Cultural / Creative industries involved growing but include ISIS Arts, The Forge, Northern Stage, New Writing North, TSF, Wide-eyed, The Sage Gateshead, Generator, Berwick Film Festival, Third Productions, TWAM, ACE Higher/Further Educational projects include: Sunderland/Chalmers;Tyne Met College;Gateshead College; Northumbria University Local Authorities/business winning involved includes: Durham; Newcastle; Sunderland; NELEP; NGI Private sector involvement includes: Constructing Excellence North East; UK Land Estates; SCA; Handelbanken; Tillsammans network; Narec

6 Next Steps Network Development – January visit planned to Sweden Achievement of sustainable model Become a central player in NELEP/ACE/Cultural Partnerships programme delivery Build UK Launchpad brand and activity ”The trip to the Northeast was very well planned and structured and we are looking forward to doing business in the region within a short time” Grace Organic AB

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