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The American Revolution Presented by Ladd Iseminger American History Teacher.

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1 The American Revolution Presented by Ladd Iseminger American History Teacher

2 Rationale Rationale It is important for the junior level social studies curriculum to provide information that will assist students in understanding the people, causes, and ramifications of the American Revolution to give the students an appreciation of the past and a context for today and for the future.

3 Objectives 1. List three causes of the American Revolution. 2. Hypothesize three ways the war could have been avoided. 3. Reinforce knowledge through notes, videos, and activity sheets. 4. In small groups, research and present topics relevant to this time period.

4 The beginning rumblings 1764 To raise money, British Parliament passes the Sugar Act.

5 1765 Parliament passes the Stamp Act, designed to tax documents within the colonies. Parliament also passes the Quartering Act, which forces the colonists to provide housing and provisions for British troops.

6 1766 Parliament passes the Townshed Acts, and colonists begin to boycott British goods.

7 1770 The Boston Massacre occurs. Five colonists are killed by the British

8 1773 Parliament passes the Tea Act. The Boston Tea Party occurs.

9 1774 In response to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament passes the Coercive Acts (also known as the Intolerable Acts), which closes the port of Boston, among other restrictions.

10 1775 The “shot heard ‘round the world” is fired at Lexington and Concord. The Second Continental Congress begins its deliberations in Philadelphia. Bunker Hill (actually Breed’s Hill), near Boston, is seized by the colonists. The British retake it but suffer heavy casualties.

11 1776 Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet “Common Sense,” which challenges the legitimacy of the king. Streams of loyalists leave the colonies, and the persecution of the remaining loyalists intensifies. The Continental Congress signs “The Declaration of Independence.”

12 1777 The British are humiliated at the Battle of Saratoga.

13 1777-78 Washington’s army freezes at Valley Forge.

14 1778 The colonies reach an alliance with France, and later, with Spain.

15 1780 Georgia is overrun by British troops. Benedict Arnold turns traitor.

16 1781 The British are defeated at Yorktown, which signals the end of the American Revolution.

17 1783 The Treaty of Paris is signed, recognizing the independence of the United States.

18 Conclusion The American Revolution altered the course of world history the way few events ever have. A rag-tag bunch of colonies (who were in no way “United” defeated the world’s most powerful military force. This new American country would continue to grow in leaps and bounds from this inspiring beginning.

19 Questions List three causes of the American Revolution. Hypothesize three ways the war could have been avoided. In your small groups, prepare a five-minute speech and PowerPoint presentation about one aspect of the American Revolution that you find interesting.

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