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StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261552 StratusLab Collaborations.

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Presentation on theme: "StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261552 StratusLab Collaborations."— Presentation transcript:

1 StratusLab is co-funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (Capacities) Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261552 StratusLab Collaborations C. Loomis (CNRS/LAL) EGI TCB (Amsterdam) 7 April 2011

2 2 Releases:  v0.1 (9 Nov. 2010)  v0.2 (17 Dec. 2010)  v0.3 (11 Mar. 2011)  v0.4 (~end-Apr., +storage)  v1.0 (~end-May) Goals  Provide complete, open- source cloud distribution  Generate feedback from users and administrators Warning:  The APIs, commands, etc. can (and will) change! Public, Preview Releases Documentation  User tutorial (web et video)  Reference deployment description  Installation guides Services  Appliance repository  Marketplace (v0.3)  Cloud infrastructure (GRNET)  User and administrator support ( Software  OpenNebula (2.0 in v0.1-2, 2.2 in v0.3)  Command line utilities (user and administrator)  Utilities for signing and validating image metadata (v0.2)  Site policy engine for specified images (v0.3)  IP Addresses: public, local, and private (v0.2)  Standard machine images (ttylinux, Ubuntu, CentOS)  Bioinformatics and grid services images (v0.3)  Web monitor  Manual and Quattor-based installation Security  Integration with grid certificates (v0.2)  Integration with VOMS proxies (v0.3)  Enhanced logging (v0.3)  Quarantine for forensic analysis (v0.3)

3 3 Architecture of StratusLab v1.0 IaaS Cloud Virtual Machine Manager (OpenNebula) XML-RPC  OCCI Physical Computing Resources VMware Service Manager (Claudia) TCloud Storage Manager REST/CDMI iSCSI (?)KVMXen… Physical Storage Resources … Appliance Management StratusLab Marketplace HTTP(S) REST Interface Appliance Storage (Web, Grid, Cloud) users

4 4 Virtual Machine Management OpenNebula improvements  More complete logging information  Quarantine of stopped images  Ability to pass error messages from plugins to user (soon)  Support for users, groups, and roles (soon) PXE Booting  Useful for integration with automated machine mgt. (Quattor)  Useful for automating creation of base/user images Collaboration  StratusLab  OpenNebula  Others: general improvements  StratusLab  Others: Automated machine creation

5 5 Networking IP  IPv6 use/validation  Public/local/private IP addresses  IP address selection (useful for grid services)  IP reservation (à la Elastic IP) Dynamic configuration  VLANs  User-specified firewalls Collaboration  SARA, Mantichore  StratusLab: dynamic configuration  StratusLab  ?: IPv6  StratusLab  Others: IP reservation, address selection

6 6 Storage Persistent Disk Store  Prototype exists, production in v0.4  Based on iSCSI and LVM Caching/Latency Reduction  Investigating Ceph, LVM  Hierarchical (squid?) caches Interfaces  CDMI Collaboration  VENUS-C  StratusLab: CDMI proxy, integration with data mgt.  SARA, SNIA  StratusLab: CDMI reference/SARA implementation  StratusLab  Others: caching and latency reduction

7 7 Marketplace Appliance Repository (phasing out)  Essentially a webdav server with specific layout  Stores both metadata and image contents Marketplace (phasing in)  Registry of image metadata  Contents stored in cloud, grid, web, … Collaboration  StratusLab  HEPiX: Metadata definition, signing, validation  StratusLab  HEPiX: Interoperability of image catalogs, registries  StratusLab  HEPiX: Policy definition and enforcement

8 8 Appliances Base images  ttylinux, CentOS 5.5, Ubuntu 10.04, OpenSuSE (?) Grid appliances  CE, SE, WN, APEL/BDII, UI Bioinformatics appliances  Data server and analysis images Collaborations  StratusLab  EGI, EMI, EDGI, user communities: Collaboration on creating and testing of applicances

9 9 Authn/Authz Implementation  Authn proxy in front of ~all services  Uses Jetty implementation of JAAS  Supports User/Password files, LDAP, Grid certificates, VOMS proxies  Passed authn information to back-end services  Delegation currently not used Collaborations  StratusLab  EMI: Feedback Jetty support, other changes  EMI  StratusLab: Better packaging, portable voms-proxy-init, delegation service

10 10 Service Manager (Claudia) Implementation  Provides service (ensemble of machines) management  Dynamic control based on monitoring feedback  Currently being integrated with other StratusLab services Collaborations  StratusLab  VENUS-C, Others: Possibly interesting component for building platforms, "canned" services  StratusLab  Others: OVF and TCloud implementations

11 11 Accounting Monitoring Implementation  Simple script to extract values from database  No publication of the information at the moment Collaborations  VENUS-C  StratusLab: Use/integration of accounting service  StratusLab  EGI: Integration with EGI accounting, types of resources for accounting

12 12 Conclusions StratusLab Release(s)  Nearly complete, functional beta available  Used to run production grid site over reference infrastructure  Complete beta (v0.4) end of April  Production release (v1.0) end of May Collaborations  Looking forward to collaborations with other projects  Software can be tested on reference infrastructure or installed  Want feedback (positive and negative) from user, admins, …

13 Copyright © 2011, Members of the StratusLab collaboration: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Greek Research and Technology Network S.A., SixSq Sàrl, Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo SA, and The Provost Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth Near Dublin. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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