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Local Government and Public Body Analysts Survey Conference Scottish Household Survey Survey Review 2010 16 March 2010 Hugh Munro SHS Project Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Government and Public Body Analysts Survey Conference Scottish Household Survey Survey Review 2010 16 March 2010 Hugh Munro SHS Project Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Government and Public Body Analysts Survey Conference Scottish Household Survey Survey Review 2010 16 March 2010 Hugh Munro SHS Project Team

2 Overview SHS background SHS Survey Review 2010 –Context –Result so far –Next steps Group activity

3 SHS Background Collecting data since 1999 Sample of general population in private residences in Scotland –Composition, characteristics and behaviour of Scottish households and individuals Priority areas against non-priority areas –Communities, local government and transport Meeting the changing needs of Government and Parliament –e.g. tracking five National Indicators (public services, smoking, neighbourhood, journeys to work, and traffic congestion)

4 Methodology Consortium of Ipsos MORI and TNS-BMRB –Fieldwork and data processing Continuous survey of approximately 14,000 households No geographical exclusions, and designed to be –Nationally representative every quarter –Representative for larger LA’s every year –All LA’s (regardless of size) over a two-year period Using face-to-face CAPI Running time of approximately 45 minutes Draw sample via multi-stage stratified design Apply post-survey weighting

5 SHS Topic Coverage accommodation driving and transport household composition sharing accommodation, internet access, recycling young people in the household health and disability employment household income financial services, savings and borrowing housing costs, mortgage and rent accommodation neighbourhoods and community safety education and training travel and transport volunteering, convenience of services health and disability random adult employment random adult income travel diary culture and sport Part 1: Household Part 2: Random Adult

6 The SHS Survey Review 2010 What are we reviewing? –The operation of, and uses made of the survey with the primary aim of assessing the achieved benefits, quality and continued need for the survey and to maximise the benefits through appropriate question and topic content Project drivers –Changes in content –Changes in design –Demands for space –Changing governance landscape (e.g. National Performance Framework, Single Outcome Agreements) –Survey harmonisation/growth of other surveys

7 The story so far… Work carried out includes: –Interviews with key stakeholders –Web based survey –Focus groups Also supported by: –Evaluation of SHS Review 2005 project –Alignment with other analytical work –SHS Steering Group

8 The SHS Review- Key Themes The survey has a range of uses –General awareness/background information most common –Policy development and evaluation close behind The frequency of use varies –Several times a year most common (43%) A large proportion of users undertake their own research alongside SHS data If the SHS ceased to provide data there would be an expectation on Scottish government to meet the needs

9 The value of the SHS Based on… Robust and reliable National data (80%) LA data (56%) Up-to-date (58%) Unavailable elsewhere (66%) Range of topics (60%) Helps do job (67%) Alternatives 1.Agree strongly 2.Agree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Disagree 5.Disagree strongly

10 The SHS Review - Key Issues The demand for content > space available Demands cover a huge range of topics (from horses to home safety) Geography Detail Time

11 The SHS Review- Next Steps Interviews Proposals Consultation What do you think?

12 Group Activity Establishing the purpose of the SHS On each table you will have a number of statements about what the purpose of the SHS could be Prioritise the statements Are there any purpose statements you’d like to add?

13 How can I be involved and keep up to date with the review? SHS Project Team –0131 244 0824 – –

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