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ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES “Life’s a voyage that’s homeward bound.” -Herman Melville.

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Presentation on theme: "ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES “Life’s a voyage that’s homeward bound.” -Herman Melville."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES “Life’s a voyage that’s homeward bound.” -Herman Melville

2 National Trust for Historic Preservation Private, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to protecting the irreplaceable Exclusive partnership with ERA Real Estate – Value for ERA affiliates – Educational opportunity ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES

3 Architecture in America: International Origins and Influence Three centuries of history Both high style and vernacular buildings Valuable information to share with clients Cost: $49 for ERA affiliates ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES My attending the Historic Real Estate Program seemed more like a lovely event rather then a class. I have gained immeasurable knowledge in this course, as well as, finding it enjoyable. -Kathleen Sibirtzeff ERA Silver Star Realty

4 Valuable Resources for You An certificate of completion, suitable for display Use of the National Trust for Historic Preservation logo and descriptive copy on your promotional materials Access to the Member Resource Center, where you’ll find: –Customizable templates for creating your own historic marketing presentation –Downloadable National Trust logo –Customizable flyers to use for listings and self promotion –Special PowerPoint template –More! Your name displayed on and as a historic specialist One-year membership in the National Trust for Historic Preservation, including all member benefits and special discounts ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES

5 Valuable Information for Your Clients Registering your Historic Home Rehabilitating and Restoring your Historic Home “Greening” Your Historic Home – Ten Helpful Tips Resources for Appraising your Historic Home ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES

6 Property Requirements To promote one of your listings as part of the ERA Historic Properties program, the home must be: –Listed at $150,000 or higher –50 years or older –Preferably tied to a historic event, person, or distinctive historic style –Manually registered under the Historic Section on ERA ® H ISTORIC P ROPERTIES

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