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Trauma Related Disorders. I. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Falls under Anxiety disorders Symptoms are a variety of anxiety-related symptoms but are unrelated.

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Presentation on theme: "Trauma Related Disorders. I. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Falls under Anxiety disorders Symptoms are a variety of anxiety-related symptoms but are unrelated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trauma Related Disorders

2 I. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Falls under Anxiety disorders Symptoms are a variety of anxiety-related symptoms but are unrelated to what is currently happening to the individual Symptoms are holdover from a traumatic event that happened earlier, possibly years ago. Common among combat veterans –Can stem from any traumatic event: rape, natural disaster, accident, etc. Specific symptoms include: –General numbing of emotions –Depression –Interpersonal withdrawal

3 II. Conversion Disorder Somatoform Disorder An acute stressor causes a psychic conflict and the physical symptoms serve as the resolution for the conflict The patient may repress the stressor or be unaware of its impact Failure to treat early on can lead to symptoms that are difficult or impossible to cure Characterized by a loss of bodily function (blindness, paralysis, inability to speak) The loss of physical function is involuntary, but diagnostic testing does not show a physical cause for the dysfunction

4 III. Phantom Limb Syndrome Vivid impression that an amputated limb is still present and sometimes painful The brain still gets messages from the nerves that originally carried impulses from the missing limb Phantom limb syndrome is relatively common in amputees, especially in the early months and years after limb loss.

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