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Nura Zakia Sultana Assistant teacher ( English) Adarsha Bohumukhi Balika Uccha Biddaay Loan Office Para,Jessore ID-25

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2 Nura Zakia Sultana Assistant teacher ( English) Adarsha Bohumukhi Balika Uccha Biddaay Loan Office Para,Jessore ID-25 Email :

3 the lesson Sub : English 1 st paper Unit : 3 (Events & Festives) Lesson : 2 (May Day) Class : IX

4 Learning Out comes 1. Can say about May Day. 2. They can Describe the events of May 1,1886. 3. Explain the demands of working class people.

5 What the pictures say ? 1 WHAT DO YOU SEE IN THIS PICTURE 2 Can you relate any historical event of this picture

6 MAY day

7 Words to Know A forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system. A forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system. Revolution International Workers dayInternational Workers day May Day

8 recall and show respect for (someone or something).

9 United State ChicagoChicago

10 History of May Day Bfore Revolution 1.After Industrial Revolution.Photo - 1 1.After Industrial Revolution.Photo -2 Workers

11 Worked all day long Forcefully Working working at night working at night People became exhausted

12 Workers Became united Demanding their rights They Rally of the workers Police man attacked They became wonded One was killed instantly

13 Mini lecture (Key words)-- Internatiobnal Workers Day Demand for an eight hour work day It’s a reminder to gain better working condition, better pay and better lives

14 Class work Read the passage loudly (Any one). How long did the workers have to work a day before the May 1 strike ? (Individual work) How many workers were victimized for taking part in the strike ? (Individual work) Why did the workers in Chicago go on a strike ? (pair work) Read the passage loudly (Any one). How long did the workers have to work a day before the May 1 strike ? (Individual work) How many workers were victimized for taking part in the strike ? (Individual work) Why did the workers in Chicago go on a strike ? (pair work)

15 Evaluation Evaluation When did the events take place and where ? Name the company of chicago of wich workers went on strike ? About how many workers joined there ? What is the meaning of Commemorate ?

16 Home work Write an essay on … What does May Day refer to and what do you learn from this event.

17 Thank you

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