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My name is Martha Jaramillo, and this is my 21st year in education, with only 2 of those years in 1 st grade, one in Pre- K and 13 years in Dual Language.

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Presentation on theme: "My name is Martha Jaramillo, and this is my 21st year in education, with only 2 of those years in 1 st grade, one in Pre- K and 13 years in Dual Language."— Presentation transcript:


2 My name is Martha Jaramillo, and this is my 21st year in education, with only 2 of those years in 1 st grade, one in Pre- K and 13 years in Dual Language. I am married and have 3 children in 3 different schools. Elizabeth is a college freshman at SJCC, Melissa in 9th grade at LPHS and Nathan, my 2nd grader. I will be team teaching with Laura Gomez who will be in charge of the English component teaching English Language Arts, Science and supporting Math.

3 Our goal is to provide the most comfortable and fun environment to learn Spanish and English and to feel successful while learning.

4  Each morning your child will unpack their backpacks and place folders/lunch kits in the designated areas before gathering on the rug.  I DO NOT check backpacks but do check TAKE HOME folders daily so that is the place to put any notes/lunch money clearly labeled with your child’s name.  We do take multiple restroom breaks but your child will be allowed to go when needed.  Our classes will go to the library every Wednesday. In order to check out new books, the previous books have to be returned.

5 7:40-8:10 8:10-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:40 10:40-10:50 10:50-11:20 Announcements and Restroom Calendar and Math Read Aloud/Phonics Mini Lessons/Guided Reading/Centers Restroom Lunch

6 11:20-11:30 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:55 12:55-1:50 1:50-2:40 2:40-2:50 Restroom Recess English Language Arts/Guided Reading/Centers Specials LA cont’d/Science Dismissal

7 Takes place through out the morning block. Reader’s Workshop consists of teaching children strategies and skills to become a successful reader. It also encourages a love for reading to help create a life-long reader. A few skills that will be addressed: Tracking with your finger. Reading left to right. Readers ask questions. Exposure to different genres. Author’s purpose Character feelings/traits Story elements (setting, plot….)

8 Guided Reading Guided reading is a small group instructional period that will allow me to focus on 3-4 kids’ reading needs. We’ll review skills from READER’s Workshop along with read books on your child’s level in both Spanish and English. These books will be sent home so your child can read them to you. * We will trade them out as they move reading levels.

9 Most of the skills taught during this time will be a great way for you to help your child read at home as well. Readers do more than read the words. We will learn about: Setting Characters and character feelings Readers ask questions Make predictions Sequence of events Non Fiction v.s. Fiction Visualize the story Make connections to the story/characters. ( This reminds me of…..)

10 Writer’s Workshop consists of short mini-lessons and independent writing time. A few topics we will cover are: Letter formation Complete sentences Sentence structure Verbs, nouns and adjectives Writing for a purpose Descriptive writing

11 We will complete calendar daily. This will include: the days of the week, months of the year, place value and patterns. Math is taught in Spanish and supported in English, therefore, all students will be assessed in both languages. (shapes, number recognition 0-20, counting to 100) Other areas we will cover: rote counting to 100, counting by 10’s, 2’s and 5’s, addition, subtraction, reading and constructing graphs, building and recognizing patterns, 2D and 3D shapes.

12 Topics covered this year: Making observations using our 5 senses. The night sky (moon and stars) Living and non living Nocturnal animals Animal classifications (mammals, reptiles and amphibians Seasons, weather patterns Life cycles (taught in English)

13 Community helpers/school helpers Maps Presidents (Washington/Lincoln) Needs/wants Early Settlers (meaning of Thanksgiving). (taught in Spanish)

14 Your kids work hard every day they come to school so I keep the homework short and sweet. Listen to and initial your child’s reading folder every school night. They will color in the objects as they read nightly. We will be giving the students bi-weekly bilingual oral vocabulary tests to improve their language. These will be in their folder along with other practice work. Sight word practice (there are 11 lists of 20 words and the kids will move at their own pace) (We are accepting volunteers to help test.)

15 Mrs. JaramilloMrs. Gomez Monday: PEPE Tuesday: PEMusic Wednesday: ComputersPE Thursday: PEPE Friday: MusicComputers I-Station Tuesday EnglishThursday Spanish

16 We will be more focused on the sounds. If a child uses the correct sound to spell a word, I am happy. I will not correct spelling but will praise those who TRY and use their sounds to make a word the best they can. The words we use frequently we encourage their correct spelling, in English and in Spanish. Ex: the, I el/la, yo

17 English Language Arts will address phonics. We will begin the year focusing on letters and sounds by working with a letter a week. As time progresses we will cover the following phonics and more: Blends (bl, cl, st,…) Vowels (short and long) Cvc words Cvce words Word families (rhyming words) Controlled r (ar, er, ir, or, ur) Suffixes –ing and –ed Spanish Language Arts: we will be working on vowels first and then syllables, also focusing on one letter per week. Syllables Rhyming Blending

18 We will have one field trip to the zoo. It’s typically in the spring. Please be sure you go onto the LPISD homepage to complete a background check. I HIGHLY recommend you complete the background check ASAP, because it will be required in order to attend parties, field trip or other school wide events. Contact information: 281-604-6533 281-604-6532

19 Birthdays We love birthdays and if you wish, you may send mini cupcakes or cookies (store bought only) on your child’s birthday. Enough for 44 kids please. Spanish CD If you would like a copy for Spanish support please send a CD labeled with your child’s name so I can make copies. Scholastic We will send them regularly, based on your feedback. They will be online orders and they will be delivered to my class. They have both Spanish and English books. ISTATION Parent letter-students will work on computer in both languages, it is very important they learn their log on information and lunch number. Birthdays We love birthdays and if you wish, you may send mini cupcakes or cookies (store bought only) on your child’s birthday. Enough for 44 kids please. Spanish CD If you would like a copy for Spanish support please send a CD labeled with your child’s name so I can make copies. Scholastic We will send them regularly, based on your feedback. They will be online orders and they will be delivered to my class. They have both Spanish and English books. ISTATION Parent letter-students will work on computer in both languages, it is very important they learn their log on information and lunch number.

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