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Presentation on theme: "Stars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stars

2 Constellations A group of stars that appears to form a pattern in the sky AQUARIUS Virgo

3 Constellations- Ursa Major - (Big Bear) is the most famous constellation

4 Constellations- The Big Dipper is part of Ursa Major

5 Circumpolar Rotation around Polaris

6 What happens as you travel North?
The number of circumpolar stars visible, increases as the observer moves North

7 Stars- How far to a star? Closest Star = Sun
93,000,000 miles = 1 astronomical unit Next closest star Proxima Centauri 25 trillion miles 2.5 x 10 13 4.2 light years

8 Light year- Distance that light travels in one year
5,900,000,000,000 miles Polaris- 680 LY Betelgeuse (red supergiant ) is 490 LY

9 How do we size up?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

10 Wow! Jupiter is BIG

11 Our sun is REALLY BIG!

12 Guess Not!

13 We are REALLY SMALL! I feel so insignificant!

14 Color? Depends on surface temperature cool Hot- ~30,000 ° C
Medium- our sun (5500°C)

15 Classification of stars
Green stars look white to us!

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