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Children's Book Critique Becca Deckard Ivy tech Community college October 11,2015.

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1 Children's Book Critique Becca Deckard Ivy tech Community college October 11,2015

2 InTASC Standards Standard #3: Learning Environments The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Name of Artifact: Book critique Date: October 11, 2015 Course: Edu. 255 Brief Description: In this assignment I will be discussing 3 books. The books are Feast For 10, Five Little Monkey Jumping On The Bed, and I Hate English. All three books are multicultural books in some way. as you view the PowerPoint you will see. Rationale: This document covers INTASC Standard number three. It talks about how all three books are multicultural and what makes them multicultural. Some of them might not sound like they would be but all three of them are in their own way.

3 Books

4 Feast For 10 Author: Cathryn Falwell Publisher: Scholastic Inc. Copyright Date: 1993 Summary: Is a book that goes from 1 to 10 twice. It has a count of things that are happening. For example it says, “2 pumpkins for pie.” and at the end of the book it ends with “10 hungry folks to share the meal.” It take you through the steps of cooking for a group of 10.

5 Feast For 10 Cont. Positive things from book: It helps children learn to count to 10. Not only does it count to 10 once but it does it twice. Negative things in the book: I really did not find anything negative in this book. There are just children helping a women cook and prepare a feast for 10. There are 4 male characters in the book, and that means t hat there are 6 females. The only stereotype I see in the book is that thw women is the only one cooking. I consider this book to be multicultural because it is of an African American family having a feast. Most books would show it as a Caucasian family having a feast but not in this book.

6 I Hate English Author: Ellen Levine Publisher: Scholastic Inc. Copyright Date: 1989 Summary: The book is about a Chinese girl names Mei Mei who moves to New York. Mei Mei did not like English. But she loved math because numbers are numbers. She did not like having to learn English she just wanted to do everything in Chinese. Mei Mei gets the help for ma teacher and learns that it is ok if she speaks both English and Chinese.

7 I Hate English Cont. Positive things from book: Mei Mei learns English and Finds out that it is ok to speak both English and Chinese in New York. He teacher shows her that speaking English is important. Negative things in the book; Mei Mei is very rude to the teacher teaching her. It makes me think that students will think it is ok to yell at a teacher. Mei Mei just wanted to do everything in Chinese. There are 2 main female characters in this book and one male character named. The only stereotype I see is that the family moved to China Town. I consider this book a multicultural book because it is about a Chinese girl who moves to New York and wants to stay Chinese. It appears to me that she does not want anything to do with America at first.

8 5 Little Monkeys Author: Eileen Christelow Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company Copyright Date: 1989 Spanish Copyright: 2005 Summary: The book is about how 5 monkeys are jumping on a bed and one at a time gets hurt. The mom money calls the doctor and he says the monkeys need to stop jumping on the bed. After all of the monkeys fall and get hurt, they all go to sleep and the mom monkey is happy she gets to finally go tot sleep.

9 5 Little Monkeys Cont. Positive things from book: Children learn that jumping on the bed is bad. The book is in English and Spanish so if a child is trying to learn English to Spanish or Spanish to English they have what they need on the page in the other language. Negative things from the book: Children might think it is ok to jump on a bed. There is a mom monkey and she is caring for her baby monkeys. I consider this book to be multicultural because it is one book but in two languages. Like I said before it can help with trying to learn Spanish or English. It is a popular book for children so I think it is great that it is in Spanish and English.

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