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Relationships Lifeskills.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships Lifeskills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships Lifeskills

2 Types of Relationships
Voluntary- you choose them Examples: friends, boyfriends, girlfriends Involuntary- not chosen Examples: people on the job, family Family relationships- most important relationships you will have. Friendships- people of all ages and backgrounds Casual Relationships- people you do not associate with often but you have formed a small bond. Examples: kids from other schools, people you have met through activities.

3 The need for relationships
Some people need relationships more than others. Can you think of someone you know who exemplifies this?

4 QUALITY OVER QUANTITY What does this mean when referring to relationships? It is better to have a few very strong relationships were you know you can trust the other person, rather than just having a lot of relationships that do not mean anything.

5 6 Qualities of a good relationship
#1 TRUST You must trust each other not to reveal things about one another. You must trust each other to always be there for one another when needed. Ex. Cast members must trust each other to know their lines so that everyone else does not appear unprepared. What other relationships do you see trust?

6 Qualities of a good relationship
#2 MUTUALITY Both people contribute to the relationship. Can you think of examples? Husband/Wife Babysitter/Child

7 Qualities of a good relationship
#3 SELF-DISCLOSURE Informing another person about yourself. Most relationships begin cautiously.

8 Qualities of a good relationship
#4 RAPPORT This is having a feel of ease and harmony with the other person. The person is easy to be with. They are also understanding.

9 Qualities of a good relationship
#5 EMPATHY The ability to put yourself in another persons shoes or situation. When someone is hurting a person with empathy knows about it and wants to help. Ex. A parent with their baby.

10 Qualities of a good relationship
#6 SHARED INTERESTS Relationships are hard to maintain if you have nothing in common. What do you talk about? What do you do? Ex. Siblings

11 Roles of Relationships
A role is an expected pattern of behavior associated with a person’s position in society. No one just has one role; each person has many. Roles help people know how to act in different situations. People act one way when their with there friends and another way when they are with their family. Make a list of your roles. State which one(s) you feel are most important and explain why.

12 Roles are Given or Chosen
Given role One that is automatically acquired. Example: At birth a person is already a son or a daughter Chosen role One that is deliberately chosen. Example: A person choose to get married and become a spouse.

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