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Left: Sakyamuni Buddha (late Zhau dynasty, Period of Disunity), 338, gilded bronze Right: Colossal Buddha Amitabha (Northern Wei period), (Yungang, China),

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Presentation on theme: "Left: Sakyamuni Buddha (late Zhau dynasty, Period of Disunity), 338, gilded bronze Right: Colossal Buddha Amitabha (Northern Wei period), (Yungang, China),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Left: Sakyamuni Buddha (late Zhau dynasty, Period of Disunity), 338, gilded bronze Right: Colossal Buddha Amitabha (Northern Wei period), (Yungang, China), c CE

2 Meditating Buddha, from Gandhara, Pakistan, second century CE
Meditating Buddha, from Gandhara, Pakistan, second century CE. Gray Schist Shakyamuni Buddha, Zhao Dynasty, From period of Six Dynasties, 338. Gilded bronze

3 Standing Buddha (Wei dynasty), 477 CE, gilt bronze

4 Vairocana Buddha at the Longmen Caves (Tang dynasty) (Luoyang, China) , c. 670-680 CE

5 Tang dynasty/ arrival of Buddhism in China/ suppressed surface detail in the interest of monumental simplicity

6 Right: Great Wild Goose pagoda (Tang dynasty), c. 652-704 CE

7 Way of Souls leading to the Qianling tomb complex of Emperor Li Zhi (Xi’an), late seventh century CE

8 Neighing Horse (Tang dynasty), eighth to ninth centuries, glazed earthenware importance of the horse in the Tang dynasty/ allowing lead glazes to “run”(sancai)/ created for burial tombs

9 Left: Nuyong lady from the Tang dynasty Center below: Wenguan funerary figures Right below: Camel from the Tang dynasty

10 Han Kan. Night Shining White (Tang dynasty), c
Han Kan. Night Shining White (Tang dynasty), c CE, ink on paper

11 Han Huang. The Five Bullocks (Tang dynasty), ink and color on silk

12 Han Huang. Garden with Literati, 723-787 CE

13 Paradise of Amitabha (Tang dynasty) (Dunhuang, China), ninth century, wall painting Dunhuang/ Pure Sect of Buddhism/ Tang style palace architecture



16 Brightly painted beams of a Chinese monastery

17 Fan Kuan. Travelers among Mountains and Streams (Northern Song dynasty), early eleventh century, hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk Fan Kuan/ Northern Song Dynasty/ Daoism/ painting on silk/ “li” and “qi”/ humans in the vast scale of nature/ a shifting perspective/ use of mist to separate the background from the foreground/ Neo-Confucianism

18 Guo Xi. Early Spring, CE, ink on silk Guo Xi/ Daoist paradise and an interest in seasonal change/ three types of distance (high, deep, and level)/ inclusion of seals and inscriptions on paintings/ focus on intricate details and the character of each line

19 Song Huizong. Detail of Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk, early twelfth century CE Song Huizong, the emperor artist/ Chinese view of copying earlier works

20 Song Huizong. The Five-Color Parakeet (Northern Song dynasty), c
Song Huizong. The Five-Color Parakeet (Northern Song dynasty), c , hanging scroll

21 Foguang Si Pagoda (Liao dynasty)(Yingxian, China), the pagoda / projecting eaves and cantilevered balconies/ the axis mundi

22 Ma Yuan. Bare Willows and Distant Mountains (Southern Song dynasty), thirteenth century CE, album leaf, ink and colors on silk Ma Yuan/ Southern Song court style/ composed on a diagonal to form the Mia/Xia style

23 Schematic version of a one corner composition by Ma Yuan, based on the On a Mountain Path in Spring

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