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Russian Revolution The Causes.

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1 Russian Revolution The Causes

2 Cruel Czar…A Weak Leader
Did not pay attention to the needs of his people Believed in divine, absolute rule…God given power Resisted change Allowed Rasputin to have power

3 Russo-Japanese War Czar Nicholas thought his country was powerful
He wanted to test them out and believed if he conquered someone else, he could prove he was a good leader 1904 Attacked Japan and was not fully prepared with his military Lost the Russo-Japanese War

4 Problems for Serfs No freedom Wanted land and better wages
No say in the government Unhappy with long hours and low pay

5 Poor Working Conditions
Unrest in the middle and lower classes No freedom Bad working conditions Long hours/low wages/child labor No say in government Bread and fuel shortages **All this led to strikes and protests

6 Bloody Sunday 200,000 workers and families peacefully protest
Want better working conditions, more individual freedom, and elections/an elected national government Czar’s soldiers fired on the people (men, women, and children) killing 500-1,000 people (3:46)

7 The Duma Parliament govt set-up in Russia
The czar did not totally like this group They wanted to fix the country and limit power of czar Within 3 months of allowing the Duma, Czar Nicholas II ends their power (he is not going to share power)

8 Rasputin Monk from Siberia Had visions and healed the royal son
Govt. and people of the country did not trust him – they did not know why he was in the palace He put his crazy friends in the govt. People believed he had too much power Killed by people of Duma including the nephew of the czar

9 WWI Russia suffered huge defeats
People angry because the country was suffering High casualties/ no supplies

10 Czar Steps Down With all the problems building up, including losing WWI, the czar was hated Nicholas II tried to give power to his brother, but he denied it He thought about giving power to his son, but that would be a death sentence So by 1918, he steps down as czar of Russia…he abdicates the throne (gives up the crown)

11 Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks
Lenin, and his group the Bolsheviks, lead the violent Russian Revolution to change the country Wanted rights, a new government, and no more czar They are called the Red Army and fight for power in Russia against the White Army (supporters of the czar) After the czar abdicates, they arrest the family and send them to Siberia They kill the entire royal family Lenin and the Bolsheviks bring communism to Russia (new govt)

12 Road to Revolution There were many causes of the Russian Revolution:
Russo-Japanese War A weak leader Poor working conditions Problems with serfs Bloody Sunday The Duma Rasputin WWI Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks (Land of the Tsars min.) (Land of the Tsars min.) (Land of the Tsars 20 6:43min.)

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