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15.2: The Early Cold War Years. A. Containing Communism 1. The Long Telegram a.Kennan’s view explaining Russia’s insecurities to a struggle between communism.

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Presentation on theme: "15.2: The Early Cold War Years. A. Containing Communism 1. The Long Telegram a.Kennan’s view explaining Russia’s insecurities to a struggle between communism."— Presentation transcript:

1 15.2: The Early Cold War Years

2 A. Containing Communism 1. The Long Telegram a.Kennan’s view explaining Russia’s insecurities to a struggle between communism and capitalism b.Therefore, “containment” became the US’s foreign policy stance G. Kennan: US Ambassador to the Soviet Union G. Kennan: US Ambassador to the Soviet Union

3 Containment

4 B. Iran Crisis 1. Soviets do not leave Northern Iran after WWII 2. Stalin wanted oil supplies from Iran 3. Created separate Communist govt in N. Iran 4. US demands forces to leave Iran

5 The Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan Read the primary source and analyze the graph on page 539. Then, answer the following questions and add them to your notes. 1. What did the Truman Doctrine state? 2. Explain the Marshall Plan. 3. According to the graph, which countries received the most aid from the plan? Why?

6 C. Truman Doctrine 1. Assist countries in helping prevent communism from entering their borders 2. Started with Greece and Turkey

7 D. The Marshall Plan 1. US will give aid to those European countries needing to rebuild their economies 2. SU and satellite nations refused help 3. Western Europe’s recovery decreased appeal for communism

8 Operation “Vittles” & NATO

9 E. Berlin Airlift 1. West Germany and West Berlin united = Federal Rep. of Germany 2. Stalin orders blockade of West Berlin in protest 3. Goal for US: to fly in food and supplies into West Berlin; 3 min 4. Stalin sees blockade ineffective; calls it off ineffective; calls it off




13 F. NATO 1. Formed a defensive military alliance 2. Peacetime military alliance 3. 1 st time US committed to maintaining peace in Europe

14 G. Warsaw Pact 1. Stalin develops the Warsaw Pact in response to NATO 2. Military alliance for his Eastern Europe satellite nations

15 15.2: The Korean War United States gets involved in the Korean War due to communism spreading in East Asia

16 A. The Chinese Revolution: A Civil War b/4 & after WWII Kai-Shek: 1. Chiang Kai-Shek: Nationalist Leader a. a. Supported by US w/$2B b. b. Lost support = fled to Taiwan 2. Mao Zedong Communist a. Supported by Chinese people b. Seized power in 1949 c. Friends w/SU d. Not recognized in UN; SU boycotts UN

17 B. The KoreanWar Why the division?

18 What do both leaders have in common?  North Korea –Democratic People’s Republic of Korea –Dictator/Comm. –Leader: Kim Il Sung *Believed ruled all of Korea  South Korea –Republic of Korea –Dem./capitalism –Leader: Rhee *Believed ruled all of Korea

19 2. Truman sends in the troops a. North attacks the South b. UN agrees on military action c. SU boycotting = doesn’t vote d. US troops in Japan moved to S. Korea

20 3. The North Attacks the South 4. MacArthur’s strategy = hero 5. China enters = US pushed back to 38 th parallel

21 6. Stalemate a. Truman vs. MacArthur… i.Public criticism of Pres. Truman ii.Wants to invade China iii.“You’re fired!” iv.Truman wanted limited war = limited objective b. Korean war ends in stalemate… –38 th parallel still divides Korea today


23 China’s involvement

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