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Making information society a reality in the regions- „Regions for Better Broadband Connection” Marcin Nowacki Marshal’s Office of the Lodz Region, Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "Making information society a reality in the regions- „Regions for Better Broadband Connection” Marcin Nowacki Marshal’s Office of the Lodz Region, Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making information society a reality in the regions- „Regions for Better Broadband Connection” Marcin Nowacki Marshal’s Office of the Lodz Region, Poland Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels

2 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels Content Content 1.Main features of the project 2.The Partnership 3.Methodology 4.Thematic working groups 5.Lessons already learned 6.New member states- what can we gain? 7.The Lodz Region ICT state of art 8.Twinning 9.Turin official lauch conference

3 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels Main features of the project funded under INTERREG IV C Operational Programme Selected by the European Commission as Fast Track Duration: 26 months (Sep 2008- Oct 2010) aims to work together to share knowledge and experience (interregional cooperation) in the area of innovation The main objective: to create a European network of regional Managing and Implementing Authorities aiming at exchanging and sharing best practices around the common theme of broadband regional development in remote and rural areas under 2007-2013 OPs

4 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels The Partnership 16 Partners from 8 EU Member States:  4 „old” ones – Greece, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom  4 „new” ones – Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Poland 8 Regional Managing Authorities (Piedmont, Sterea Ellada, Catalonia, Malopolska, Lodz, Crete, Lower Silesia, Sardinia) 5 ICT implementing Agencies (CSI-Piemonte, Nynet, NCA, iCentres Association, Fundecyt)‏ 1 Local Authority (City of Lodz) 2 ICT University Departments (University of Crete and University of Cyprus)

5 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels Methodology Methodology The capitalisation process will be achieved thanks to a transfer process:  Sharing and structuring the Broadband experiences around specific sub-themes in a harmonised way Exchange of Experience Instruments: 8 Thematic workshops/ working groups Study visits Staff exchanges (twinning between regions) The project platform (Action Plan Support Tool)  Capitalising of good practices learnt - by production of Action Plans (official documents defining how good practices will be implemented under Operational Programmes of each Region) – final outcome of the project  Supporting Managing Authorities involved to develop strategic action plans through Operational Programmes (OPs) 2007-2013

6 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels 8 Thematic Working Groups 8 Thematic Working Groups The good practices at work! Demand Aggregation (Nynet- UK) E-government services and management of the infrastructure (Lodz/ Malopolska/ Lower Silesia) Establishing ICT Observatory and Integrated portals (Piedmont/Sardinia) State Aid Regulation (Extremadura/Catalonia) Education services (Crete/Sterea Ellada) Access in remote rural coastal mountain areas (University of Cyprus) EU broadband search engine (NCA-Hungary) Public Private Partnerships and funding models (iCentres- Bulgaria)

7 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels Lessons already learned North Yorkshiregood practice North Yorkshire good practice Workshop held on 3-5 December, 2008 in York/UK - Demand Aggregation model The eGov experience among Partners Workshop held on 15-16 January, 2009 in Lower Silesia/Poland- eGovernment model The nearest workshop The nearest workshop: 11-13 March, 2009 in Barcelona/ Spain- State Aid Regulation

8 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels New Member States- what can we gain?  unique opportunity to gain valuable know-how on complicated IT investments.  possibility to learn from such experienced partners as Region of Piedmont from Italy or NYnet from UK  chance to optimize process of ICT networks construction in our regions, which will allow to: save time reduce number of possible mistakes utilize financial means, coming mainly from EU Structural Funds in maximum efficient way

9 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels The Lodz Region ICT state of art The Lodz Region ICT state of art Lodz Regional Broadband Network (LRBN)  Value: 150 m PLN (~ 35 m €)  Broadband availability now- 15%  Broadband availability after LRBN introduction: 90% for the community 100% for institutions  Realization period: 2009-2013  Backbone brought to communes level

10 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels Twinning Twinning Identified needs: a matching system case the Lodz Region example the Lodz Region example Lodz Region needs and interests: Model of broadband implementation in North Yorkshire Learn from experiences on education services implemented in Creete of Sterea Ellada Profit from good practices of Catalan state aid experience

11 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels INVITATION INVITATION 2 April, 2009 – Turin/ Italy Official B3 Regions Launch Conference for sharing with you our workshops results! Details at:

12 Regions for Economic Change- Networking for Results 16 February, 2009, Brussels Thank you for your attention! Marcin Nowacki Director of the Department of Entrepreneurship Marshal’s Office of the Lodz Region 25, Traugutta st. PL 90-113 Lodz PL 90-113 0048/42 291 98 40

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