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Pink Dolphins Save the Pink Dolphins! By Jay Jung.

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1 Pink Dolphins Save the Pink Dolphins! By Jay Jung

2 What are Pink Dolphins? The pink dolphin is not any dolphin you can see in the sea. The pink dolphin is not any dolphin you can see in the sea. In fact, the pink dolphin is only distantly related to the other dolphins. In fact, the pink dolphin is only distantly related to the other dolphins. The scientific name for pink dolphins is Inia Geoffrensis and is part of the Platanistoidea family. The scientific name for pink dolphins is Inia Geoffrensis and is part of the Platanistoidea family.

3 What do Pink Dolphins look like? Pink dolphins can be pink, brown or gray. They usually come between 2.5 – 3.0 metres and 90 kg. Pink dolphins can be pink, brown or gray. They usually come between 2.5 – 3.0 metres and 90 kg. Males are larger than females. Males are larger than females. Pink dolphins also have humpbacks instead of fins. Pink dolphins also have humpbacks instead of fins. The Pink dolphins has two flippers that look like big leaves. The Pink dolphins has two flippers that look like big leaves. They have tiny eyes. They have tiny eyes. Its neck is long. Its neck is long. Its colour comes from the water they live in and the food it eats. Its colour comes from the water they live in and the food it eats.

4 Why are they decreasing? There are many reasons. 1. Pollution 2. Reclamation works – Theme parks. 3. Over fishing – Illegal capture of Pink Dolphins. 4. Dirty water from reservoirs 5. Many factories near the coast.

5 Have humans destroyed where Pink Dolphins live? In Hong Kong, approximately 120 Pink Dolphins are surviving today. - The new airport has made reclamation of 9.5 square km of dolphin habitat. - The North Lantau Expressway made even more reclamation. - Hong Kong Disneyland needed reclamation for the traffic network. - More land will be reclaimed for housing in North Lantau.

6 How can we help them? There are ways in everyday life to help the Pink Dolphins. 1. Use more environmental cleaners – Choose the supplies that damage the environment less. 2. Eat less seafood – That way less Pink Dolphins will get caught in fishing nets. 3. Eat organic products – Pesticides may end up in the sea and pollute it. 4. Take fewer photographs.

7 Did you know… Their brain capacity is also 40% bigger than humans. Their brain capacity is also 40% bigger than humans. Pink Dolphins sleep with one eye open. Pink Dolphins sleep with one eye open. They may live up to 40 years old. They may live up to 40 years old. A Pink Dolphin may die if he becomes unconscious. A Pink Dolphin may die if he becomes unconscious. Pink Dolphins also swim in the Amazon. Pink Dolphins also swim in the Amazon.

8 Conclusion Pink Dolphins are wonderful animals. However they are endangered because of human causes. Help save the Pink Dolphins, make a difference. Pink Dolphins are wonderful animals. However they are endangered because of human causes. Help save the Pink Dolphins, make a difference.

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