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CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES IGM, and Scaling Laws. Emission Processes of Clusters of Galaxies in the X-ray Band.

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2 Emission Processes of Clusters of Galaxies in the X-ray Band

3 Status of The IGM Age of Clusters ~ few Gyr; R ~ 1-2 Mpc T ~ 1-10 keV; Gas highly ionized; density 10 -3 cm -3 Electrons free mean path Gas may be treated as a fluid Timescale for Coulomb Collisions Electrons are in kinetic equilibrium Maxwellian velocity distribution Timescale for soundwave propagation Gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium

4 Intracluster Medium Hydrostatic equilibrium (spherical symmetry) We can measure the Cluster mass Dynamical Properties of the Galaxies Isothermal Cluster King profile Beta Profile

5 Emission Processes of Clusters of Galaxies in the X-ray Band The IGM is a PlasmaThe IGM is a Plasma Electrons are accelerated by the ionsElectrons are accelerated by the ions They emit for BremsstrahlungThey emit for Bremsstrahlung Electrons are in kinetic equilibrium (Maxwellian V distr. ) Cluster emission is mainly thermal Bremsstrahlung

6 Emission Processes of Clusters of Galaxies in the X-ray Band Beside IGM contains some metals (0.3 Solar) They produce line emission

7 X-ray Observations Gas densityGas density Gas TemperatureGas Temperature Gas chemical compositionGas chemical composition If assume hydrostatic equilibriumIf assume hydrostatic equilibrium Cluster Mass

8 Clusters –Cosmology connection Clusters are useful cosmological tools

9 Rosati, Borgani & Norman 03 Evolution of N(M,z) to constrain cosmological parameters

10 Instead of M we can either use L X  n gas 2  (T) Volume or T gas But: matter is dark & we need light to see/count/measure galaxy clusters…

11 Cluster Gas Density

12 Observables Relations L-M X-ray Luminosity

13 Observables Relations T-M Virial Equilibrium Kinetic Energy for the gas Thermodynamic T-M relation

14 X-ray scaling laws: M  T 3/2 Evrard, Metzler & Navarro (1996) use gasdynamic simulations to assess the accuracy of X-ray mass estimations & conclude that within an overdensity between 500 and 2500, the masses from  -model are good. The scatter can be reduced if M is estimated from the tight M-T relation observed in simulations: M 500 = 2.22e15 (T/10 keV) 3/2 h 50 -1 Msun law  -model

15 X-ray scaling laws: M  T 3/2 Nevalainen et al. (2000) using a ASCA (clusters: 6) & ROSAT (groups: 3) T profiles: (i) in the 1-10 keV range, M 1000  T 1.8 [preheating due to SN?], but (ii) at T>4 keV, M 1000  T 3/2 [they claim, but measure 1.8  0.5 at 90%…] & norm 50% [!!!] lower than EMN : EMN96

16 X-ray scaling laws: M  T 3/2 Finoguenov et al. (2001) use a flux-limited sample of 63 RASS clusters (T mainly from ASCA) & 39 systems btw 0.7-10 keV with ASCA T profile. (i) Steeper profile than 3/2, high scatter in groups (ii) deviations from simulations due to pre-heating [makes flat n gas ] & z_formation (iii) M from  -model:  depends on T EMN96

17 X-ray scaling laws: M  T 3/2 Allen et al. (2001): 7 massive clusters observed with Chandra, M 2500 -T 2500 relation. ME01 slope of 1.52  0.36 & normalization lower than 40%.

18 Observables Relations L-T Theoretically However from an observation point of view

19 X-ray scaling laws: self-similar? We have a consistent picture at T>3 keV, but also evidence that cool clusters/groups may be not just a scaled version of high-T clusters [ review in Mulchaey 2000 ] T5T5 T3T3

20 X-ray scaling laws: evolution

21 Luminosity Function Local (left) & high-z (right) XLF: no evolution evident below 3e44 erg/s, but present at 3  level above it (i.e. more massive systems are rare at z>0.5) Rosati et al. 03

22 Temperature Function & cosmological constraints Henry 00Markevitch 98

23 Cosmology in the WMAP era 1-st year results of the temperature anisotropies in the CMB from MAP (Bennett et al., Spergel et al 03) put alone constraints on  tot,  b h 2,  m h 2.

24 Cosmology in the WMAP era However, the final answer to the cosmology quest is not given: the cosmological parameters in CMB are degenerate… complementary the equation of state of Dark Energy & its evolution with redshift is not known given that, we can play the reverse game: fix the cosmology & see what your cosmology-dependent data require

25 Cosmology in the WMAP era In non-flat cosmologies, there is degeneracy in  m -   space (e.g.   =0 is consistent with MAP results, but requires H 0 =32 and  tot =1.28…). To get tighter & non-degenerated constraints, one needs to add something else, like, P(k) from 2dF & Lyman-  forest, Hubble KP, SN Ia, clusters survey…: complementarity Allen etal 02

26 Cosmology in the WMAP era The equation of state of the Dark Energy & its evolution with time: only post-MAP CMB surveys (i.e. Planck in 2007), SN Ia, X- ray/SZ clusters can answer in the next future

27 Cosmology in the WMAP era The equation of state of the Dark Energy & its evolution with time: only post-MAP CMB surveys (i.e. Planck in 2007), SN Ia, X- ray/SZ clusters can answer in the next future Mohr et al.

28 Clusters of Galaxies in the Microwaves Sunyaev & Zel'dovich Effect CMB+CLUSTERS

29 Sunyaev & Zel'dovich Effect


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