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……………………………………………………………………………………… SQL Server Analysis Services Khalid Abu Qtaish Sr. BI Consultant / Solution Designer

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Presentation on theme: "……………………………………………………………………………………… SQL Server Analysis Services Khalid Abu Qtaish Sr. BI Consultant / Solution Designer"— Presentation transcript:

1 ……………………………………………………………………………………… SQL Server Analysis Services Khalid Abu Qtaish Sr. BI Consultant / Solution Designer Analysis Services

2 Agenda  Introduction  ETL  OLAP Terms  Storage Modes  Queries (MDX)  Tools  Live Demo  Q&A

3 SQL Server 2008 R2 BI Platform

4 Introduction  Analysis Services provides access to large data sets  Running SQL queries against a 100 million row table just doesn’t work  When your data sets get large, you need a better way of handling the load  Online analytical processing (OLAP) provides all your answers with speed!  Analysis services is an OLAP implementation

5 Integration & Structure

6 Managing Information Data Warehouse Analysis Services ERP CRM HRMS BI Developer or Analyst Integration Services

7 ETL  The Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process is vital to the OLAP results  If you input junk, you get junk back out!  All data that enters the OLAP database must be valid or your results could be exponentially wrong!  Make sure that all possible means are employed when ensuring only valid data is entered into the system and that it is entered only once!  Common issue is data inserted more than once which causes invalid results


9 Integration Challenge Data Warehouse Call Center Web Apps Inventory ERPHR Finance CRM

10 Source Systems  Process real-time transactions  Optimized for data modifications  Normalized  Limited decision support  Commonly called:  Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems  Operational systems HR Finance Inventory

11 Data Warehouse  Provides data for business analysis  Grouped in subject-specific stores called Data Marts  Optimized for rapid ad-hoc information retrieval  Integrates heterogeneous source systems  Consistent historical data store

12 Star Schema

13 Star Schema Benefits  Simple, not-so-normalized model  High-performance queries  Especially with Star Join Query Optimization  Mature and widely supported  Low-maintenance

14 OLAP Terms

15 Data Source View  Diagrams of star schemas – state cube, perf cube

16 Dimensions  Describe business entities  Contain attributes that provide context to numerical data  Present data organised into hierarchies

17 Fact Table Fundamentals  Collection of measurements associated with a specific business process  Specific column types  Foreign keys to dimensions  Measures – numeric and additive  Metadata and lineage  Consistent granularity – the most atomic level by which the facts can be defined

18 Cube (UDM) Unified Dimensional Model  Combination of measures (from facts) and dimensions as one conceptual model  Rich data model enhanced by  Calculations  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  Actions  Perspectives  Translations  Partitions  Formally, cube is called a UDM

19 Cube 2009 Q1 Jan Feb Mar Accessories Parts Cars Measures Items Sold Cost Sales $ Dates Products Ритейл

20 Dicing a Cube Ритейл 2009 Q1 Jan Feb Mar Accessories Parts Cars Measures Items Sold Cost Sales $ Dates Products

21 Conceptual Terms

22 Hierarchies  Benefits  View of data at different levels of summarization  Path to drill down or drill up  Implementation  Denormalized star schema dimension  Normalized snowflake dimension  Self-referencing relationship

23 Dimension Relationships  Define interaction between dimensions and measure groups  Relationship types  Regular  Reference  Fact (Degenerate)  Many-to-many  Data mining

24 Measure Group  Group of measures with same dimensionality  Analogous to a fact table  Cube can contain more than one measure group  E.g. Sales, Inventory, Finance  Defined by dimension relationships

25 Calculations  Expressions evaluated at query time for values that cannot be stored in fact table  Types of calculations  Calculated members  Named sets  Scoped assignments  Calculations are defined using MDX

26 Time and Date Dimensions Calendar dates and hours of day, with separate attributes for time-folded analysis (values by hour for the past week, for example) Date by Month (Year, Quarter, Month, Date) Date by Week (Year, Week, Date) Time (Hours, in 12 hour or 24 hour format)

27 Period Calculations A dimension that contains dynamic, time-based calculations Month-to-date Quarter-to-date Year-to-date Prior Period Year-to-date, Prior Year Percentage change

28 Parent-Child Hierarchy  A dimension that contains a parent attribute  A parent attribute describes a self-referencing relationship, or a self-join, within a dimension table  Common examples  Organizational charts  General Ledger structures  Bill of Materials

29 Parent-Child Hierarchy Example Brian Amy Stacia Stephen ShuMichael Peter José Syed

30 Slowly Changing Dimensions  Maintain historical context as dimension data changes  Three common ways (there are more):  Type 1: Overwrite the existing dimension record  Type 2: Insert a new ‘versioned’ dimension record  Type 3: Track limited history with attributes

31 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)  KPIs are used to show very simply whether a target is being accomplished  Components include the Goal, Value, Status, and Trend  Example: Sales and Quality targets  Analysis Services allows you to build MDX expressions off of Cube data to build KPIs  KPI values can be queried from client applications  Allows for visual display of meaningful data

32 Actions  Actions  Allows client application users to be able to interact with what the data means  Example: Browse to a customer or product via URL  Types of Actions:  CommandLine, DataSet, Drillthrough, Html, Custom, Report, URL  Define and assign to objects in the Cube

33 Perspectives  Perspectives work similar to views in a relational database  Shows different users the data they need to see for a particular role they may be in  Used to reduce complexity of cube data  Not meant to be security mechanism for data

34 Storage Modes  Data in an Analysis Services database is stored differently than a relational database  Optimized storage provides the OLAP query performance  Partition  MOLAP – multidimensional OLAP (fact data and aggregations are stored in special format)  ROLAP – Relational OLAP (fact data and aggregations remain in relational database)  HOLAP – Hybrid OLAP (fact data is relational, aggregations are stored in special format)  Dimension (dimension attributes only)  MOLAP – stored in special format  ROLAP – stay in relational format

35 Querying Cubes  SQL is not used in OLAP databases  MDX (multidimensional queries) is used for querying cubes  DMX (Data Mining queries) is used for querying data mining models

36 MDX Queries  Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) are used to query multidimensional data  Some common terms are:  Cell – the space at an intersection of a measure and attribute  Tuple – a unique cell based on a set of attribute members  Set – an order set of tuples with same dimensionality  T-SQL & MDX  I need to determine which month had the highest sales, then look at the products and customers that made that month so good

37 Calculated Members and Named Sets  Calculated Members are used when you need to determine something at query time  Can be query or session scoped  Value are only stored in memory not on disk  Named Sets are basically predefined MDX queries that can be reused in other queries  Used to group dimension members

38 Best Practices for Cube Design Dimensions  Consolidate multiple hierarchies into single dimension (unless they are related via fact table)  Avoid ROLAP storage mode if performance is key  Use role playing dimensions (e.g. OrderDate, BillDate, ShipDate) - avoids multiple physical copies  Use parent-child dimensions prudently  No intermediate level aggregation support  Use many-to-many dimensions prudently  Slower than regular dimensions, but faster than calculations  Intermediate measure group must be “small” relative to primary measure group

39 Best Practices for Cube Design Attributes & Hierarchies  Define all possible attribute relationships!  Mark attribute relationships as rigid where appropriate  Use integer (or numeric) key columns  Set AttributeHierarchyEnabled to false for attributes not used for navigation (e.g. Phone#, Address)  Set AttributeHierarchyOptimizedState to NotOptimized for infrequently used attributes  Set AttributeHierarchyOrdered to false if the order of members returned by queries is not important  Use natural hierarchies where possible

40 Best Practices for Cube Design Measures  Use smallest numeric data type possible  Use semi-additive aggregate functions instead of MDX calculations to achieve same behavior  Put distinct count measures into separate measure group (BIDS does this automatically)  Avoid string source column for distinct count measures

41 Partitioning  Mechanism to break up large cube into manageable chunks  Partitions can be added, processed, deleted independently  Update to last month’s data does not affect prior months’ partitions  Sliding window scenario easy to implement  E.g. 24 month window  add June 2006 partition and delete June 2004  Partitions can have different storage settings

42 Benefits of Partitioning  Partitions can be processed and queried in parallel  Better utilization of server resources  Reduced data warehouse load times  Queries are isolated to relevant partitions  less data to scan  SELECT … FROM … WHERE [Time].[Year].[2006]  Queries only 2006 partitions  Bottom line  partitions enable:  Manageability  Performance  Scalability

43 What could go wrong?  Cubes really are simple things to build and utilize  As simple as they are, it is easy to create a cube that has the wrong data  Always validate that the data that is displayed in the Cube is valid and accurate  Never hurts to be overly aggressive when testing Cube data

44 Tools

45 Business Intelligence Development Studio  BI Studio is just Visual Studio with project templates installed  Project templates provide item templates and wizards  New 2008 Wizards are much easier to use and more powerful  Context sensitive functionality keeps toolbars and menus trimmed to what elements you need based on what you are looking at  Because it is Visual Studio it is fully customizable  3rd party add-ons can make it even more powerful

46 Designing an Analysis Services Database  BI Studio will be used to create new AS Databases  Steps include:  Define data source  Define data view  Create a new cube  Define fact tables  Define dimensions (data and time)  Define measures  Aggregate/Run the cube

47 SSAS 2008 R2 New Features  Develop solutions quickly with the new, streamlined Cube Designer  Take advantage of enhanced Dimension and Aggregation Designers  Create attribute relationships easily by using the new Attribute Relationship Designer  Avoid common design problems by using best practice  Enable high-performance “what if” scenarios by using MOLAP enabled write-back  Take advantage of enhanced data mining structures and improved Time Series support  Monitor and optimize analytical solutions by using Analysis

48 SQL Server Analysis Services Live Demo

49 SQL Server Analysis Services Q & A

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