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How children learn the sign language? Hamda Ahmed M h00270471.

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Presentation on theme: "How children learn the sign language? Hamda Ahmed M h00270471."— Presentation transcript:

1 How children learn the sign language? Hamda Ahmed M h00270471

2 Introduction Nowadays people USE BABY SIGN LANGUAGE. Signing with your baby is a new fad. Babies who see sign language regularly beginning at 6 months.

3 Topic sentences 1 How do children learn sign language?

4 Support 1 children will learn sign language naturally. -If their parents and other people around them use the language. -The children learn sign language from other children who spoken English language. -Learning sign language being since the born till the childhood.

5 Support 2 where did baby sign language originate. -It is originate fro more than 200 years ago. -The baby sign language is intermixing of local sign language and French language. -The baby sign language is now modern and distinct.

6 Topic sentences 2 It encourages communications.

7 Support 1 children in this age don’t have vocab to get their point. -They become tantrum. -Having sign language to rely to communicating their feeling.

8 Support 2 - The kid has mastered a few words. We should remind the children how to sign the words.

9 conclusion Baby sign language will help children to develop their cognitive and emotional and they will learn how to communicate with others.

10 APA -Understanding Auslan 2. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from - American Sign Language. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from -Start Signing! Why Kids Should Learn Sign Language. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2015, from learning-sign-language /

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