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Jeopardy Flowering Plants Female Reproductive System Male Reproductive system Reproductive Technology Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Flowering Plants Female Reproductive System Male Reproductive system Reproductive Technology Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Flowering Plants Female Reproductive System Male Reproductive system Reproductive Technology Potpourri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Flowering Plants The structure that contains the pollen

4 $100 Answer from Flowering Plants What is the anther?

5 $200 Question from Flowering Plants The anther is held up right because of this structure

6 $200 Answer from Flowering Plants What is the filament?

7 $300 Question from Flowering Plants These two structures are non reproductive structures

8 $300 Answer from Flowering Plants What are the petals and the sepals?

9 $400 Question from Flowering Plants The pistil is made up of these three structures

10 $400 Answer from Flowering Plants What are the stigma, style, and ovary/ovule?

11 $500 Question from Flowering Plants During cross pollination, the pathway of pollen would be

12 $500 Answer from Flowering Plants What is land on the stigma, travel down the style, into the ovule/ovary for fertilization?

13 $100 Question from Female Reproductive System Mammary glands and widening of the hips are types of what?

14 $100 Answer from Female Reproductive System What are secondary characteristics?

15 $200 Question from Female Reproductive System The day the egg is released is also known as______________

16 $200 Answer from Female Reproductive System What is ovulation?

17 $300 Question from Female Reproductive System The sperm meets the egg in this structure.

18 $300 Answer from Female Reproductive System What is the fallopian tube aka the oviduct?

19 $400 Question from Female Reproductive System How does the embryo get nutrients?

20 $400 Answer from Female Reproductive System What is from the endometrium lining?

21 $500 Question from Female Reproductive System What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?

22 $500 Answer from Female Reproductive System What is flow phase, follicular phase, ovulation and luteal phase?

23 $100 Question from Male Reproductive System What are two secondary sexual characteristics in the male reproductive system.

24 $100 Answer from Male Reproductive System What is deepening of the voice, pubic hair or growth spurt?

25 $200 Question from Male Reproductive System The sperm uses this structure for movement.

26 $200 Answer from Male Reproductive System What is a flagellum?

27 $300 Question from Male Reproductive System What is the structure labeled X

28 $300 Answer from Male Reproductive System What is the mitochondria?

29 $400 Question from Male Reproductive System Why do most sperm get destroyed before reaching the egg?

30 $400 Answer from Male Reproductive System What is due to the acidy of the vagina or the mucus layer within the cervix?

31 $500 Question from Male Reproductive System Meiosis occurs in this part of the testicle.

32 $500 Answer from Male Reproductive System What is the seminiferous tubules?

33 $100 Question from Reproductive Technology Two plants or two animals reproduce together because they have desirable traits

34 $100 Answer from Reproductive Technology What is selective breeding?

35 $200 Question from Reproductive Technology When sperm is placed into a female animal

36 $200 Answer from Reproductive Technology What is artificial insemination?

37 $300 Question from Reproductive Technology Cutting and grafting are types of…

38 $300 Answer from Reproductive Technology What is artificial vegetative reproduction?

39 $400 Question from Reproductive Technology The production of insulin is made through this process

40 $400 Answer from Reproductive Technology What is recombinant DNA?

41 $500 Question from Reproductive Technology The most common organism used in recombinant DNA technology/why?

42 $500 Answer from Reproductive Technology What is bacteria, because they reproduce quickly (via binary fission)?

43 $100 Question from Potpourri Plants that are capable of pollinating themselves

44 $100 Answer from Potpourri What is self pollination?

45 $200 Question from Potpourri Nutrients from the mother get delivered to the fetus using this structure

46 $200 Answer from Potpourri What is the umbilical cord?

47 $300 Question from Potpourri When sperm and egg unite outside the female body in a Petri dish

48 $300 Answer from Potpourri What is in vitro fertilization?

49 $400 Question from Potpourri What is the pathway of an immature sperm cell to a mature sperm cell and then removed outside the body

50 $400 Answer from Potpourri What is seminferous tubules, epididymus, vas deferens, and urethra?

51 $500 Question from Potpourri What are the three male accessory glands, and what are their functions?

52 $500 Answer from Potpourri What are the prostate gland, Cowpers gland and the seminal vesicles?

53 Final Jeopardy Provide five facts about the developing embryo and fetus during pregnancy.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer -amniotic fluid protects, supports and maintains warmth for the embryo -the brain and nervous system are developing in the first trimester -the heart is beating in the first trimester -8 th week is now called a fetus -fetus grows from 8 to 30cm -fetus is taking in amniotic fluid -third trimester is when fetus gains most of its mass -brain develops rapidly during the third trimester

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