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Laws enacted by southern whites to segregate African Americans in the late 19 th century.

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Presentation on theme: "Laws enacted by southern whites to segregate African Americans in the late 19 th century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laws enacted by southern whites to segregate African Americans in the late 19 th century.

2 How does an initiative get put on a bill?

3 Signed petition

4 The largest part of an American political party

5 Party-in-the-electorate

6 Name the theory… Interest groups compete and counterbalance one another

7 Pluralist

8 A party’s official selection of a candidate

9 Nomination

10 What do both parties try to do?

11 WIN

12 Who creates bureaucratic agencies?

13 Congress

14 The method in which most polling is done today

15 By telephone


17 Jim Crow laws

18 Term that refers to the fact that America will no longer have a white majority.

19 Minority majority

20 The Associated Press is an example of one of these.

21 Wire service

22 The nations unofficial, “newspaper of record”.

23 The New York Times

24 Short clips of political speech lasting 15 seconds or less

25 Sound bites

26 Shot of a person speaking directly into the television camera

27 Talking head

28 A team of men and women seeking to control the government by gaining office in elections

29 Political party

30 The most common source for our news

31 television

32 Where the formal nomination for Dem and Rep candidates for president occur?

33 National party conventions

34 A method used by public figures of leaking stories to the press

35 Trial balloon

36 The specific goal of the presidential nomination game

37 Win delegates and win the party nomination

38 When is the party platform drafted?

39 Before the convention

40 Where does most money get spent during Presidential campaigns?

41 Media

42 What was the significance of the Presidential election of 1800?

43 First transition of power in the history of the world accomplished by voters ballots

44 In this US Supreme Court case, the court ruled that a recount was legal as long as it was applied to all counties in the state

45 Bush v. Gore

46 This requires states to register individuals to vote when they apply for, or renew, their driver’s license.

47 Motor Voter Act of 1993

48 This group is composed of all people who might be a group

49 Potential group

50 The problem of people not joining a group, yet enjoying the same benefits as if they had joined the group.

51 Free-rider problem

52 This means that ordinary people (like you) can influence the government

53 Political efficacy

54 Something of valued that benefits both actual and potential group members

55 Collective good

56 How do Americans feel about bureaucrats?

57 satisfied

58 This Civil Rights act of the 1960’s was successful because it had clear goals and methods to achieve its goal.

59 Voting Rights Act of 1965

60 What are Amtrak and the USPS examples of?

61 Government Corporations

62 Why is the census important to states?

63 Federal aid

64 How often is a census conducted and why?


66 Every 10 years and cuz the Constitution says so.

67 What must a cop have in order to arrest someone?

68 Probable cause

69 Evidence that is gathered without a warrant is not admissable in court. This is due to which rule?

70 Exclusionary rule

71 What is the first primary?

72 New Hampshire

73 Policies that give rights to those that have been discriminated against over the course of history.

74 Civil rights

75 The process through which an individual acquires his or her own political orientations

76 Political socializatiion

77 Largest group of the minority majority

78 African -Americans

79 Which part of the Bill of Rights forbids self-incrimination?

80 5 th Amendment

81 Where would you find the phrase, “all men are created equal”?

82 The Delclaration of Independence

83 What is the Miranda Rule?

84 Informs an accused person of their rights

85 Who REALLY chooses the President?

86 The Electoral College

87 This forbids states from denying equal protection of the laws.

88 14 th Amendment

89 What is the “gray liberation”?

90 The fight for the rights of the elderly

91 The distribution of the population’s beliefs about politics and policy issues.

92 Public opinion

93 The science of human populations

94 demography

95 The goal of affirmative action

96 Move towards equal results

97 The first presidential caucus

98 Iowa

99 The largest federal agency

100 Social Security Administraion

101 This set the rules for selecting delegates to the Democratic National Convention

102 McGovern-Fraser Commission

103 Giving a job to someone as a favor

104 Patronage

105 Legal and constitutional protections AGAINST the governement

106 Civil liberties

107 Organization of people with similar policy goals

108 Interest group

109 According to this theory, interest groups mean nothing

110 Elitist

111 Madison referred to parties and interest groups by this term

112 Factions

113 Under the original constitutional system, the person with the 2 nd most electoral votes became this

114 Vice President

115 Voting for legislation or a constitutional amendment

116 Referendum

117 A staged press opportunity

118 Media event

119 Amendment Gave women the right to vote

120 19 th amendment

121 Civil rights Native Americans became citizens in this year

122 1924

123 How were questions orginally submitted to the president?

124 In writing

125 When are exit polls taken?

126 On election day, as people leave the polling place

127 Established the federal Civil Service

128 The Pendleton Act

129 Reporters using detective-like means to break a story

130 Investigative journalism

131 Where is the establishment clause found?

132 1 st amendment

133 The cozy relationship between the press and politicians ended with these events

134 Vietnam and Watergate

135 This act prohibits federal Civil Service workers from active participation in politics

136 The Hatch Act

137 The book that lists the top federal jobs for presidential appointment

138 The Plum Book

139 The wise party selects policies that are popular

140 Rational-choice theory

141 They are considered to be the interpreters of civil liberties

142 The Supreme Court

143 Unreasonable search and seizure is which amendment?

144 4 th amendment

145 When was the Bill of Rights written?

146 1789

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