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Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Update on SGA1 Ivan Maric, Oversight Committee Chair 12/10/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Update on SGA1 Ivan Maric, Oversight Committee Chair 12/10/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Update on SGA1 Ivan Maric, Oversight Committee Chair 12/10/2015

2 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People GN4-1 grant agreement to be signed (mid October) GN4-1 advanced payment (after SGA signature) Need to amend FPA to add Latvia (and later (in GN4-2) Azerbaijan, Albania) Project Update 2

3 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People ActivityManpower (M1-M4)RAG Status (September 2015)Comments NA169%GREEN NA275%GREEN NA371%GREEN NA495%GREEN SA187%GREEN SA297%GREEN SA374%GREEN SA480%GREEN SA577%AMBERLegal issue SA683%GREEN SA759%GREEN SA854%GREEN JRA171%GREEN JRA278%GREEN JRA397%GREEN Project Activities RAG Status 3

4 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People #Deliverable number Deliverable TitleActivity Lead participantDelivery date (project month) Status 1D10.1GÉANT Monthly Service Report10/SA6GEANT LimitedM02 Done 2D10.2GÉANT Monthly Service Report10/SA6GEANT LimitedM03 Done 3D2.1Services Marketing and Promotions Strategy2/NA2GEANT LimitedM03 Technical Authors 4D10.3GÉANT Monthly Service Report10/SA6GEANT LimitedM04 Done 5D9.1Moonshot Service Specification9/SA5JISCM04 Done 6D10.4GÉANT Monthly Service Report10/SA6GEANT LimitedM05 Done 7D1.1Quarterly Management Reports1/NA1GEANT LimitedM05 Done 8D9.2Market Analysis for Virtual Organisation Platform as a Service9/SA5AMRESM05 SME review GN4-1 Deliverables till the end of September 2015 4

5 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 6/51 Deliverables 12% GN4-1 Deliverables till the end of September 2015 5

6 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 24 out of 51 deliverables in M12 More QASPER reviewers invited Could use extra Technical Authoring resources for a couple of months Clear message to Activity Leaders to try to finish as soon as possible Still unclear if everything will be on time More progress reports will be provided on a monthly basis Deliverables at the end of the project 6

7 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People # Milestone numberMilestone TitleActivity Delivery date (project month) Status 1M1.1Training Workplan1/NA1M1 Done 2M1.2PMF/PLM in Place1/NA1M3 Done 3M1.3Working/ICT Tools and Infrastructure1/NA1M3 Done 4M14.1Delivery of Software Component Repository and Initial Requirements-to- features matrix 14/JRA2M3 Done 5M14.2Future Network Services Specification14/JRA2M4 Done 6M1.4GEANT Event1/NA1M5 Postponed GN4-1 Milestones till the end of September 2015 7

8 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 5/30 Milestones 17% GN4-1 Milestones till the end of September 2015 8

9 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Budget Update GN4-1

10 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Manpower at the end of August ~ 78% 10

11 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People On average partners are claiming 78% of budget Manpower during first 4 months Manpower for M1-M4 GN4-1 11

12 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People PartnerActualBudget% GEANT Ltd20922394% PSNC556683% NORDUnet436467% DFN36 100% GRNET223172% GEANT Association212971% UoB162955% CESNET242693% SURFnet132457% CARNet24 100% Main GN4-1 project contributors (M1-M4) 12

13 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Actual vs Budget position at Cost Category Level M1-M4 (to 31 August 2015) 13

14 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People May 2015: 1.7m/2.2m June 2015: 2m/2.2m July 2015: 2m/2.1m August 2015: 1.8m/2.1m Overall: 7.7m / 8.65m under claim so far Options: Claim manpower at 125% Project extension by 1 month The Commission services will, in future, more closely examine each request for an extension to the duration of the project to ensure that they are only given where there is a clear added value for the project, or where external events (not reasonably foreseeable at the point of signing the grant) mean that it is impossible to complete the work in the agreed timeframe. Extension needed? Funding claimed so far 14

15 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Activities Highlights

16 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People SA1: Network Services Internal milestones have been delivered New performance and traffic monitoring, management and reporting: Requirements of new performance and traffic monitoring, management and reporting solutions gathering completed. Scoping of Layer 1 infrastructure study: Scope, information gathering templates and NRENs’ communication plan developed for Layer 1 infrastructure study scoping completed. Scoping of multi-domain transit network study: Scope, information gathering templates and NRENs’ communication plan developed for Layer 2/3 infrastructure study scoping completed. Network evolution plan: Plan for how (and by whom) input will be gathered and the relevant questions identified scoping completed. Recommend a solution for network performance assurance and monitoring: Proposal for a network performance monitoring, traffic monitoring, management and reporting solution. Explore the use of Ethernet OAM. Analysis and design completed. Some activities highlights/lowlights (from RAG reports & draft Quarterly Management Report) 16

17 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People SA2: Testbeds Carries on further development from the work undertaken in GN3plus by supplying the necessary software to offer scalable and easy-to-use production-level services from the installed facilities and develops a roadmap proposal for the future. SA2 is on track with all tasks making steady progress towards their objectives. SA3: Network Delivery and Support SA3 T1 security specialists have been briefed on the technical aspects of the Firewall on Demand (FoD) system and a group has been formed to review new features and enhancements for the next upgrade for the GÉANT branch of the FoD codebase. SA3 T1, with the support of SA6 T4, has addressed a number of privacy issues and concerns and is in the process of building a security test bed, a NIF is being prepared. The Reputation Shield project plan is on track. The MD-VPN operation task has begun. VPLS deployment is ongoing. The first prototype of wireless performance verification has been demonstrated. A discussion with the eduSAFE team about a proposal for monitoring metrics is ongoing. eduPERT advanced training and infrastructure tests have been finalised. Some activities highlights/lowlights (cont’d) 17

18 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People SA4 ​Production Application Services and Infratsructure challenge: Service portfolio and the current status of services that are the subject of work of SA4 is still not clear. All other tasks are on track. SA5: Trust and Identity Service Development Amber code is due to the ongoing legal issue with one profile in eduroam CAT and it's knock-on effects. All other tasks are on track, and the majority of eduroam operational delivery is also unaffected. SA6: Production Support Firewall on Demand implemented on the network. The Trouble Ticket update SLA was comfortably met, with 97.4% updated (KPI target is 95%). The 5th Services and Technology Forum (STF) was hosted by ARNES and attended by 25 NRENs - there were more presenters from NRENs than from GÉANT. Traffic growth. Some activities highlights/lowlights (cont’d) 18

19 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People SA7: Supply Chain Support The IaaS tender is attracting a lot of interest from providers. NRENs are sharing expertise about OpenStack in the SA7 OpenStack operators group. We have a range of file storage offerings available in our cloud catalogue: BOX and Code42 with CrashPlan and Shareplan are already listed Dropbox and Zetabox will follow shortly Several NRENs want to make agreements with those providers, to allow their communities to use those services with an educational discount. The cloud activity is suffering a delay in procurement due to lack of harmonisation of the new EU procurement directive. SA8: Real-Time Appplications and Multimedia Management The WebRTC task drafted a straw-man proposal that will form the basis of the WebRTC Roadmap deliverable. The Open Educational Resources (OER) task reviewed the service architecture inherited from the former TERENA OER pilot project and suggested five new back-end service components, targeting the content providers of the GÉANT OER platform. Some activities highlights/lowlights (cont’d) 19

20 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People JRA1: Future Network Topologies Tasks are working on a position paper for Zero Touch Connectivity. This will be used for dissemination into the community and as a strategy document for JRA1. All other tasks are on track. JRA2: Future Network Services Multi-vendor SDN testbed in Cambridge documented and ready to use for the purposes of JRA2. Analysis of SDN controllers against the use case requirements and training have resulted in a well-prepared and up-to-date T2 team that can work on implementation from now on. JRA3: Trust and Identity Reseacrh T2 Worked with NA1T7 to create the MAC (Multiple Acronym Course, i.e.: JW*/OAuth2/OIDC/UMA course). First trial run (by Roland and Rebecka) to be held at SURFnet offices end of September. OpenStack AA work makes very good progress indeed. Setup already works with Grouper, PERUN, HEXAA. Now working on a white paper and screen cast showing all features and benefits of this approach. New GNTB version released. Now working on Docker support. Continuously contacting potential pilot users. Update DAME (Dynamic Automated Metadata Exchange) IETF draft. Some activities highlights/lowlights (cont’d) 20

21 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People NA1: Project Management and Coordination GN4 Symposium early March in Vienna. 1 st Quarterly Management Report on time. NA2: Communications and Promotion Participation at TNC15, including new graphics panels for the booth, demonstrations. 15 project-related presentations and x posters. Published CONNECT magazine, issue 19, including articles on the GEANT Testbed Service, security and introducing the new brand. Communications plans established for the GN4-1 year. Published the GÉANT website with a section devoted to the GN4-1 project; and the responsive website in progress. Some activities highlights/lowlights (cont’d) 21

22 Networks ∙ Services ∙ People NA3: Status and Trends The 2015 Compendium questionnaire was opened on 12 June 2015. NRENs were invited to complete the questionnaire for submission by 24 July 2015. Campus Best Practice and the Green team arranged initial meeting in May 2015 to kick off their activities. The teams agreed to work towards closer collaboration and develop synergies by sharing best practice documents and space on the CBP microsite. NA4: International Business Development Re-prioritisation of NREN support in Task 1. Nine face-to-face NREN meetings. A new focus on e-Infrastructure liaison established. Agreement on GÉANT access for ESA/Copernicus has reached the contractual stage. Successful IUAC and EAC meetings held. Some activities highlights/lowlights (cont’d) 22

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