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Reconstruction: (1865-1877), the federal government struggled with – How to return the eleven southern states into the Union; – Rebuild the South’s Economy;

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2 Reconstruction: (1865-1877), the federal government struggled with – How to return the eleven southern states into the Union; – Rebuild the South’s Economy; – And promote rights of former slaves.

3 Radical Republicans: opposed President Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction. – Radical Republicans in Congress insisted that the Confederates had committed crimes by enslaving African Americans and by entangling the nation in war. – Advocated full citizenship, including the right to vote, for African Americans – Favored harsh punishments and harsh terms for readmission for the South

4 10% Plan, also known as a “Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction) 10% Plan, also known as a “Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction) As soon as 10% of state’s voters took loyalty oath to the Union, the state could set up a new government. If the state’s constitution abolished slavery and provided education for African Americans, the state would regain representation in Congress. As soon as 10% of state’s voters took loyalty oath to the Union, the state could set up a new government. If the state’s constitution abolished slavery and provided education for African Americans, the state would regain representation in Congress.

5 Wade-Davis Bill: take place of Lincoln’s 10% Plan – Demanded that a majority of the states' prewar voters swear loyalty to the Union before being readmitted; – Demanded guarantees of African American equality; – Pocket veto by President Lincoln.

6 Freedmen’s Bureau: – Goal was to provide food, clothing, healthcare, and education for both black and free white refugees in the South; – Reunite slave families who were separated; – Established that black citizens have legal rights.

7 Lincoln was assassinated so Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s Vice President, became president Lincoln was assassinated so Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s Vice President, became president Johnson seeks to Restore the Union: Restore the political status of the southern states as quickly as possible. He offered pardons and the restoration of land to almost any Confederate who swore allegiance to the Union and the Constitution Restore the political status of the southern states as quickly as possible. He offered pardons and the restoration of land to almost any Confederate who swore allegiance to the Union and the Constitution

8 Johnson seeks to Restore the Union: His main requirement was that each state ratify the 13 th Amendment and draft a constitution that abolished slavery. His main requirement was that each state ratify the 13 th Amendment and draft a constitution that abolished slavery. He wanted a government of “white men.” He wanted a government of “white men.” Did not want African Americans to vote Did not want African Americans to vote

9 President Andrew Johnson was an opponent of African American equality. President Andrew Johnson was an opponent of African American equality. Black Codes: – Laws that sought to limit the rights of African Americans and keep them as landless workers. – Used violence and intimidation to enforce black codes.

10 Civil Rights Act of 1866: – To overturn the black codes; – It created federal guarantees of civil rights that went above any state law that limited civil rights. – President Johnson veto’s this act.

11 Congressional Reconstruction Congressional Reconstruction: Congress overrides Johnson’s veto of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 grants citizenship to African Americans and outlaws the black codes, so it became law.

12 14 th Amendment: – Guarantees citizenship to African Americans and prohibits states from passing laws to take away a citizen’s rights. 15 th Amendment: – No citizen can be denied the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

13 House of Representatives voted to impeach Johnson, that is, to charge him with wrongdoing in office; House of Representatives voted to impeach Johnson, that is, to charge him with wrongdoing in office; The trial in the Senate Johnson is found not guilty so he remained president. The trial in the Senate Johnson is found not guilty so he remained president.

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