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Digital Photography Tips Composition Kathy Haley Sonoraville High School Calhoun, GA

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Photography Tips Composition Kathy Haley Sonoraville High School Calhoun, GA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Photography Tips Composition Kathy Haley Sonoraville High School Calhoun, GA

2 Picture Stories “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A photo = a story Composition is what makes a photo memorable, “a good story”.

3 Photo Composition The way elements of a shot work together to form the whole picture. –Golden Mean –Rule of Thirds –Framing –Angles

4 Golden Mean A mathematical way to look at perfection or images that are pleasing to the human eye. The nautilus shell is an example in nature of the Golden Mean Egyptians used it to build the great pyramids of Giza Used by artists such as Michelangelo and Da Vinci

5 Golden Mean aka Golden Triangle Nautilus shell

6 The Golden Mean The buds form a spiral pattern as they fan out from the middle.

7 Sample Photo Golden mean

8 Rule of Thirds The eye is naturally drawn to a spot about two-thirds up a page or photo. The rule of thirds places your main subjects away from the center and onto one of several intersecting points

9 Rule of Thirds The center of interest is placed on the intersecting lines to the left making it more attractive to the eye.

10 Rule of Thirds

11 Lots to think about in this photo!!!

12 Framing Sometimes you need to use objects in the foreground to “frame” your center of interest. This can give the picture a feeling of depth.

13 Not exactly what I meant!

14 Framing samples

15 Good, but Better is what you want. Not the best shot!Framing makes this a much better picture.

16 Angles Choosing a particular angle for a shot will either add or remove details from your story. Bird’s Eye Worm’s Eye Straight On Tilted

17 Angles Angles in photography refer to the way the camera is held relative to the subject. Each one gives a singular angle or perspective. Low camera angle involve the camera held lower than the subject, high camera angles represent the camera held higher then the subject and looking down.

18 Angles Bird’s Eye Angle Tilted Angle

19 Angles Worm’s Eye View Odd Angle/almost straight on

20 Textures Textures add variety. Close ups are more interesting.

21 Leading Lines The eye follows leading line.

22 Assignment Take multiple photos using the composition information you have learned: –Rule of thirds –Framing –Different angles –Create a Power Point with example pictures.

23 Power Point Directions Take multiple photos that are examples of the types you have learned. Your presentation should contain 8+ slides Slide 1- title of presentation and your name. Slide 2+ Example pictures; labeled Last Slide – A paragraph detailing what you have learned about digital photographer and techniques.

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