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Unit 3 Lesson 15 Animals Are Our Friends The Zoo Is Open.

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1 Unit 3 Lesson 15 Animals Are Our Friends The Zoo Is Open

2 bear What animals will you see in the zoo?

3 dolphin

4 elephant

5 lion

6 giraffe

7 panda bamboo

8 tiger

9 monkey

10 wolf wolves

11 zebra

12 1.What animals do you think are dangerous? Why? 2.What rules should we obey at the zoo?

13 Listen and tick the correct answers. Task 1 √ √ √ √ √

14 Read and answer. 1. Why can’t we take photos at the zoo? 2. Is there any pandas at the Edmonton Zoo? Why? 3. Do you agree with Danny that pandas could eat some grass instead of bamboo? 1. Cameras may scare the animals. When animals are scared, they can be dangerous. 2. There is no pandas there. Because there is no bamboo in Edmonton. Task 2

15 Can you find them ? 穿过入口 照相 醒来 给... 喂食.... 代替 go through the entrance take photos wake up instead of

16 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases. Task 3 go through instead of take photos dangerous wake up nearly

17 It’s Saturday. Jenny, Danny and Brian go to the zoo. When they ________ the zoo, they see a sign at the entrance. It says “No photos!” Danny is confused. Brian tells him that maybe cameras will _____ the animals and make them ___________. Later Danny want to see the pandas. But Jenny says that there is no panda in Edmonton Zoo because they don’t have ____ bamboo in Edmonton. Danny says maybe the pandas could eat some grass _________ bamboo. Fill in the blanks and try to retell the text. Task 4 arrive at scare dangerous any instead of

18 Homework 1. Review Lesson 15. 2. Write a story about your trip to the zoo. When did you go to the zoo ? Who went to the zoo with you? what animals did you see? What animals did you like best ? Did you feed any animals?

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