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An approach to Web services Management in OGSA environment By Shobhana Kirtane.

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1 An approach to Web services Management in OGSA environment By Shobhana Kirtane

2 Introduction to Web services A web service is about application integration, platform independence using XML-based standard technologies like SOAP, WSDL & UDDI. The web service architecture describes a framework in which services may be described, published, discovered and invoked dynamically in a distributed computing environment.

3 Web Service Architecture : Services are implemented & published by service providers (WSDL). They are discovered (UDDI) and invoked by service requestors (SOAP). Information about services kept within service registry.

4 UDDI, WSDL UDDI – provides a standard way to publish and discover Web services using XML. WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The components which a WSDL covers describing a Web Service are :

5 WSDL contents : Data Types Structure of input / output parameters Input Output parameters Pairing of inputs and outputs Transport protocol and data format Web address of the web service (port)

6 Simple Web service using : JAX-RPC, Hello.wsdl web.xml (deployment descriptor) jaxrpc-ri.xml Config.xml

7 Introduction to OGSA Grid concept is coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi- institutional virtual organization (sharing rules defined for these VOs). OGSA = Web Services + Grid Services focused by the OGSA : computational / storage resources, networks, programs, databases, etc.

8 Standard Interfaces FindService Data, SetTerminationTime, Destroy SubscribeToNotificationTopic DeliveryNotification Register Service, Unregister Service Create Service (Factory) FindByHandle

9 Application example :

10 Application Example contd….

11 GridFTP : A data transfer protocol for the Grid The Globus project realized the need to develop a tool to support applications that require petabytes (trillion gigabytes) of data. Proposed by OGSA for common, efficient and secure data transfer in a Grid environment.

12 GridFTP provides the following features – Grid security Infrastructure – Third party control of data transfer – Parallel data transfer – Stripped data transfer – Partial file transfer – Support for reliable data transfer – Manual control for TCP buffer size (not yet implemented) – Integrated Instrumentation (not yet implemented)

13 Monitoring Grids through SLA Grids need to provide guarantees (through SLAs) Signed between two parties, which have role of service provider and consumer respectively. Contains validity period, scope, restrictions, penalties, exclusions, administration.

14 SLA monitoring engine HP has proposed a way to monitor and specify guarantees in commercial grids through SLA (monitoring engine). Adapt IBM WSLA Framework in OGSA Our purpose use the above works and incorporate it in our tool or implement our new tool.

15 Project details : Using GridFTP as an example, to develop a method to manage web services which can be run at the client/server/third party.

16 Current Status : Learned about web services, the OGSA architecture (Physiology and Anatomy of Grid). Installed JWSDP and implemented a simple webservice with JAX-RPC. In a process of learning the Grid Service specification.

17 Goals for this semester : To install Globus Toolkit, Get the GridFTP working in an OGSA environment.

18 Future Goals To propose a method to manage web services using the GridFTP as the example. This will be the Quality of Experience model (modified for Grid environment) designed for ftp.

19 Thank You !!

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