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But they may not be the usual cases. Can you quickly and efficiently find a case with: Just a case name? (or even worse, just one party) Only a citation?

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Presentation on theme: "But they may not be the usual cases. Can you quickly and efficiently find a case with: Just a case name? (or even worse, just one party) Only a citation?"— Presentation transcript:


2 But they may not be the usual cases. Can you quickly and efficiently find a case with: Just a case name? (or even worse, just one party) Only a citation? An emphasis on a specific legal topic? A specific factual situation? Finding specific cases that apply to your situation can be tricky – especially if you want something special Date Written by a certain judge Precedential cases

3 Other places - Remember these from Low Cost?  Fastcase  Casemaker  Google Scholar Some other options  Annotated statutes  ALR  Legal Encyclopedia

4 Headnotes In both Lexis and Westlaw, once you find a case, you can use the headnotes to find other cases that are similar. Let’s look at Defenders of Wildlife v. Tuggle, 607 F. Supp. 2d 1095 (D. Ariz. 2009). If a client wants to find out about wolves, how would we find more cases in that area? Westlaw first, then Lexis:



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