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“Strengthening How We Work Together.” Schneider Electric & Consulting Engineers Presented by: Presenter’s Name Confidential Property of Schneider Electric.

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Presentation on theme: "“Strengthening How We Work Together.” Schneider Electric & Consulting Engineers Presented by: Presenter’s Name Confidential Property of Schneider Electric."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Strengthening How We Work Together.” Schneider Electric & Consulting Engineers Presented by: Presenter’s Name Confidential Property of Schneider Electric

2 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Insights 3. Schneider Electric Innovations for Consulting Engineers 4. What’s To Come

3 We set out to identify the needs of the Consulting Engineer community

4 A changing marketplace

5 The increasing speed of projects and pressures on professional engineers. Continual push for the electrical discipline to adopt and advance in BIM The rise of pre-fab, modular construction bringing new players and needs to the design space

6 We spent the past six months speaking to you about your needs, and about what we could do better. 6

7 7 Responsiveness “At the beginning, I’m looking for a spectrum of information to get a general sense of spacing – I need to reference info quickly to make fast decisions.”

8 8 Knowledge “We can’t design switchgear on our own. We need the manufacturer to help us understand what’s possible and to understand how far we can push something.”

9 Problem Solving “We don’t want to hear about products, but instead powerful, intuitive and reliable solutions.”

10 We heard you.

11 It’s a new wave of digital assets and expanded engineer support to help you, from concepting and design to the final specification phase. The hub for PROficient is a new website that will make relevant content more easily available when you want it.

12 Informed by Our Segment Framework E2E: Expert to Expert


14 Online Resources Efficiently access Schneider Electric tools, whitepapers, specifications, catalogs, product FAQs, code and standard resources, and more. All organized and customizable to meet your needs as a professional engineer.

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19 ExpertAccess Tap into the expertise of Schneider Electric’s engineers in via phone, chat or email through ExpertAccess – promptly giving you answers to your questions, providing solutions before issues escalate. 1-844-9-EXPERT Live Chat Support

20 Seamlessly integrate Schneider Electric products into your design with this advanced plug-in for Autodesk Revit users in the electrical space. You’ll get faster answers to dimension and spacing questions to help you quickly reserve space for panelboards, switchboards, and LV transformers. LayoutFast

21 Access our improved Building Information Model library, how-to videos, blog articles on key topics, and much more to stay up-to-date with industry changes. BIM Support


23 The Internet of Things is here….to the winner goes increased efficiency, lower costs and improved competitive position…...and better chances to survive and prosper in the 21 st century!

24 24 Expert to Expert, the lines of communication are open.


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