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Subject and Agent. Subject 4 main meanings subject matter or topic: what a text, film etc. is about academic subject or discipline: configuration of knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject and Agent. Subject 4 main meanings subject matter or topic: what a text, film etc. is about academic subject or discipline: configuration of knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject and Agent

2 Subject 4 main meanings subject matter or topic: what a text, film etc. is about academic subject or discipline: configuration of knowledge and skills associated with a certain area of study. grammatical subject: controls the verb, distinct from object ideological or psycho-social subject: sb implicated in and subjected to a particular personal-political structure and its associated world-view

3 Althusser-conflictual nature of this subject in a political sphere--Marxism hailing or interpellation misrecognition, méconnaissance Freud/Lacan-explore it in psychoanalytic sphere Benveniste-two dimension of the "I"--the I- who-speaks (le sujet d'énonciation) and the I-who- is-spoken (le sujet d'énoncé) the I-who-speaks is always to some extent mis- or under-represetned by the I-who-is-spoken

4 Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy "all ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects“ "Assuming that the theoretical scene I have imagined takes place in the street, the hailed individual will turn round. By this mere one-hundred-and-eighty-degree physical conversion, he becomes a subject“

5 It suffices to understand the mirror stage in this context as an identification, in the full sense analysis gives to the term: namely, the transformation that takes place in the subject when he assumes [assume] an image-an image that is seemingly predestined to have an effect at this phase, as witnessed by the use in analytic theory of antiquity's term, "imago". Lacan, Jacques The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function. 1949.

6 subject from Latin subiacere: 'to throw under' subjectum- thrown under if thrown under by someone, is passivity role of the victim, those who are 'done to' rather than those who 'do‘ some prefer participant, anyone taking part, passive or active or agent, a degree of activity, independence even if acting partly, on behalf of someone or something else has 'the power to do', 'the force that causes effects' Latin agere, 'to act, to make happen', English-to agitate, agencies, secret agents

7 Identity Philosophy and Mathematics - 'absolute sameness', 'absolute equality between two equations‘ Latin root, idem, meaning 'the same one', cf idiosyncrasy, idiolect change in def, personality as a construct personal experience, personal history broader, sociological, constructivist terms-- public pressure and larger circumstances usually a fusion of these two identity a product of public and private histories (auto/biography)

8 Identification - ambiguous process difference between 'identification of' and 'identification with' distance between other and self identification of someone or something--point to, labeling, 'naming' them as other identification with someone or something sympathizing, empathizing and confusing ourselves with someone or something else (with a character or cause)

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