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LANCE KLATY, MIKE HERRON, STEVEN GONSALVES, KATHERINE TESTA Problems with Adolescents Transitioning to Adulthood.

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Presentation on theme: "LANCE KLATY, MIKE HERRON, STEVEN GONSALVES, KATHERINE TESTA Problems with Adolescents Transitioning to Adulthood."— Presentation transcript:

1 LANCE KLATY, MIKE HERRON, STEVEN GONSALVES, KATHERINE TESTA Problems with Adolescents Transitioning to Adulthood

2 Introduction Finding Identity Cognitive Development Exposure to more freedom Parent relationships Conclusion Questions

3 Finding Identity Emerging Adults need to be recognized for who they are, and encouraged to recognize themselves for who they are. In addition, it’s important that they are not too hard on themselves. For this can cause problems (will talk about in upcoming slides). James Marciav, clinical and developmental psychologist places emerging adults in four stages in order to achieve identity within the transition to adulthood.

4 Four Stages of Marcia model Foreclosure-Acceptance of an identity status assigned by someone else Moratorium-Exploration and experimentation with different identities without commitment Achievement-commitment to identity after the experimentation period Diffusion-Avoiding re-exploration of Identity (This avoids identity crisis)

5 Personal Refection. This is a good model to apply to many of you in this room. Ask yourself this.. Have you achieved all four stages of Marcia’s model? If you answered no, what do you need to work on to achieve personal identity?

6 Cognitive Development Biological Factors Involving the Prefrontal Cortex & Amygdala Development of Mental Health

7 Biological Factors Faster Development of the Amygdala creating a greater effect and impact on memories that trigger emotions.  The job you had in college made you feel really good about yourself and gave you purpose. Later in life you will be more likely to remember how the job made you feel more so than what you did on a day-to-day bases. Prefrontal Cortex develops later.  Anger because someone cut you off at the store. You flip them off and start a physical confederation with them. After coming out of the store you see your car has been keyed.

8 Development Of Mental Health and How they occur in Emerging Adults Due to the new responsibilities and stresses Emerging Adults are faced with during this time period, transitions can twist and coincide with mental health illnesses.  Episodes of Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and Depression can occur. Dr Karen Hochman, (Proffessor in developmental, and behavioral Psychology) says some emerging adults are at higher risk for the development of mental illness partially due to genetics. Although most develop a mental illness due to unsettled stress factors that occur in early childhood and reappear in late adolescents. Late teen-Early Twenties are a crucial time for prevention

9 Crucial for Emerging Adults to be heard for who they are and their developing idea and view. Drugs and Alcohol are a major influence in this development. Drugs such as Cocaine and Marijuana can trigger psychotic symptoms associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. How to Prevent Mental Illness? Healthy Environment that involves good self reflection. Community in which you can talk to about feeling, thoughts and view. *such as friends, family, church community, social clubs, and other organizations in which you can involve yourself and speak your views

10 Exposure to more Freedom In the Transition to Adulthood, many emerging adolescents are moving out of their parents house. Some attend college after high school, others become fulltime employees. Due to this new exposure of freedom problems arise, such as Addiction to drugs and alcohol. Taking a look at how Alcohol effects Gender, College Status, and Employment in the emerging adolescents stage

11 Gender: 45% of men and 27% of women are heavy drinker ((fiver or more drinks on one occasion)) College Status: College campus environments encourage heavy drinking due to the presents of Alcohol during most social functions. Also peer pressure has higher influence. Employment: Slight increase in daily drinking and decrease in heavy drinking. Significant reeducation in drinking as a whole. (Heavy + Daily)

12 Parent Relationships Due to the change occurring such as (everything we have talked about) there is a change or difference in the relationship between parents and emerging Adults. One hypothesize by June James says parent-child relations from younger adulthood or even childhood, influence the relationship of emerging adults. Specifically, close and supportive relationships in emerging adulthood. On the contrast, parent-child conflict over discipline in early stages will be related to more conflict and less emotional closeness and support.

13 How these different relationships influence emerging adult in a positive and negative manor Secure & Close (Positive) -Less likely to experience Problems with alcohol Abuse -More likely to lead successful and have a more powerful career Distant and Aggressive (Negative)  Experience problems with drug abuse  More likely to develop mental illness

14 Conclusion Finding Identity Cognitive Development Exposure to more freedom Parent relationships

15 Questions

16 References. Aquilino, W. (n.d.). From adolescent to young adult. Retrieved from (Aquilino) Helene, R., & Jackson, K. (n.d.). Emgering adults and drinking behaviors. Retrieved from (Helene & Jackson) Tarugu, U. (n.d.). Retrieved from llness_in_Young_Adults.html (Tarugu) llness_in_Young_Adults.html Shacter, D. L., Gilbert, D. T., & Wegner, D. M. (2010). Introducing pscychology. New York City: Worth Publishing. (Shacter, Gilbert & Wegner, 2010)

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