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M23 Inner Regions Upgrade with Triple-GEM detectors The XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale) INFN Cagliari LNF Frascati INFN Roma.

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Presentation on theme: "M23 Inner Regions Upgrade with Triple-GEM detectors The XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale) INFN Cagliari LNF Frascati INFN Roma."— Presentation transcript:

1 M23 Inner Regions Upgrade with Triple-GEM detectors The XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale) INFN Cagliari LNF Frascati INFN Roma

2 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale) Introduction LHCb upgrade: the current scenario (from FTDR) The weak points of the current system The triple-GEM proposal Preliminary Cost estimate Conclusions 211 May 2012

3 LHCb Upgrade: The Scenario 40 MHz readout + flexible software-based trigger This will allow annual rates x5 (muonic channels) – x10 (hadronic channels), LHCb will also become a general-purpose forward detector Running conditions: –Luminosity of 1e33 in LoI; but now in FTDR we plan for 2e33… and what about a safety factor? The central regions of M2 and M3 are hot and could be much hotter than expected (no M1, no PS, no lead, no SPD anymore, splashes inside calorimeter hole, …) –Beam structure: 25 ns spacing, mu=2-4 –5 fb -1 /year for a 10 years operation Muon system needs to perform efficiently and to operate for ~10 years the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)311 May 2012

4 The Current Muon System As reported by Giovanni on March 27 th at the Muon General Meeting, “as far as rates are concerned we are already marginal at 1x10 33 but we are definitely out at 2x10 33 ” Giovanni suggested to: –“assess more precisely the expected rates in the inner regions” –“study technological solution to cope with the high rates” We strongly believe that we cannot go for a marginal detector which seems “just fine” for 2x10 33 – we have to use our experience and include a reasonable safety margin… and upgrade the muon detector to be efficient up to ~5x10 33 (A last minute comment: look at the message received this night: doesn’t this mean that we have to look a bit forward w.r.t. initial ideas?) the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)411 May 2012

5 The weak points of the inner part of M23 The muon system was designed to operate at a luminosity of 2x10 32  we need to push this limit at least x10, in particular in these central regions This is needed because the higher rates will create large dead-time with the current electronics and layout:  muon system inefficiency In addition, these higher particle fluxes will: –Possibly create (position dependent) chamber inefficiencies due to local space-charge effects –Age detectors (much) faster We need to carefully address all the above issues the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)511 May 2012

6 Dead Time Estimate of the rates in M23R12 for 2x10 33 (from Giovanni’s extrapolation from data): Wire pads Cathode pads Most irradiated cath. pad With the current electronics (~60 ns “analog” dead time) we are limited at 1 MHz/channel. We definitely need a faster FEE (but probably cannot gain much more than a factor ~2 (carioca has a 12 ns peaking time, but a long tail also, could we aim to 25-30 ns?) We likely need some more detector granularity (another factor 3÷4?) the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)611 May 2012

7 Rate Capability The rate expected (according to GP estimates) at 2x10 33 (with NO safety factor) are: MWPC (with 1-mm wire spacing) rate ref. plot MWPC starts to feel space-charge effects at rates closer to ~ MHz/cm2 (since we are using 2 mm pitch MWPC, 1 MHz in the graph corresponds to ~500 kHz for our chambers) From GIF MWPC test: 1 MHz/pad, M3R3 pad size 2.7 x 13.5 cm 2  max. 30 kHz/cm 2 @gain 6x10 4 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale) G. Charpak et al, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 124 (1975) 183 1-mm wire spacing WIRE PADS CATHODE PADS LOGICAL PADS <Rate> (cath. Pad) Rate max (cath. Pad) M2R10.6 x 25 cm 2 3.8 x 3.2 cm 2 0.6 x 3.2 cm 2 270 kHz/cm 2 540 kHz/cm 2 M2R21.3 x 25.3 cm 2 7.6 x 6.3 cm 2 1.3 x 6.3 cm 2 50 kHz/cm 2 110 kHz/cm 2 M3R10.7 x 27.3 cm 2 4.1 x 3.4 cm 2 0.7 x 3.4 cm 2 70 kHz/cm 2 270 kHz/cm 2 M3R21.4 x 27.3 cm 2 8.2 x 6.8 cm 2 1.4 x 6.8 cm 2 8 kHz/cm 2 30 kHz/cm 2 711 May 2012

8 Cluster Size In M2R12 and in M3R1 we have the highest cluster size in the whole muon detector due to the fact that in these regions we also have the smallest pad size From the plot you can see that Triple-GEM detectors used in M1R1 have a cluster size “on tracks” of ~1.3 Having in these regions a detector with smaller cluster size will definitely be an advantage, although it is difficult to quantify today these effects because of the uncertainties on the trigger/selection scheme that will be used in LHCb_Upgraded Requires further investigations… the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)811 May 2012 (from: “Performance of the LHCb muon system”, v1.0)

9 Aging LHCb MWPC were tested at Casaccia (M. Anelli et al., NIM A599 (2009) 171-175) MWPC: LHCb materials, 2 mm pitch, 5 mm gas gap, 30 um diameter wires Gas was Ar/CO 2 /CF 4 40/40/20, open-loop, flow at ~3 volumes/h Gap currents in the range 1-1.5 mA during test About 0.4 C/cm were integrated on 2 gaps (1 was the ref., 1 in short @ 0.3C/cm due to a broken wire) Chamber show an apparently correct behavior at GIF after the aging test Etching of FR4 found at visual inspection Above results seem encouraging, however: –The gas mixture we use today is different from the one used in the test: the LHCb MWPC gas mixture has a reduced etching capability  this could lead to insulating deposits in an aged chamber –M1R2 chamber dismounted need to be analyzed carefully to understand the observed aging phenomena –We would need to test MWPC up to at least 1C/cm (Giovanni’s estimate), but an accelerated test cannot be performed at rates in excess of (hopefully) 500 kHz/cm 2 because the chamber is already operating in a saturated mode, while at lower rates it takes too much time the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)911 May 2012

10 A Working Solution Triple-GEM detectors with pad readout have already been selected to be used in M1R1 and are operating according to expectations: offline data quality for one of latest run (114436) gives a M1R1 efficiency of 0.9831, as reported by Patrizia de Simone Future M2R1/M3R1 rates will be similar (or even higher) than the current M1R1 rates  it seems natural to consider this technology for these inner regions In the last 10 years, since the M1R1 triple-GEM proposal, these detectors have increased in popularity and have been used successfully in many experiments: they are now cheaper and more reliable thanks to the improvement in GEM fabrication technology We experienced in these years of data taking three GEM foils failure: –Optimized detector working point –Improve understanding in discharge mechanism  implication in the design –It exist a strong cooperation with TOTEM and RD51: issues are promptly addressed This experience allows us to propose with great confidence Triple-GEM detectors We strongly believe that this detector type is the RIGHT solution for this environment the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1011 May 2012

11 Triple-GEM detectors performance Can stand up to 50 MHz/cm 2 [1] Aging was demonstrated with M1R1 GEM gas mixture up to 2.2 C/cm 2 [2]; after the aging test the detectors showed the expected efficiency and time resolution with only a 15V increase in supply [3] also shows no Triple-GEM aging with Ar/CO 2 70/30 up to 0.7 C/cm 2 with a gain of 10,000 (we routinely operate at ~half this gain, so should be ok up to 1.4 C/cm 2 ) Current integrated charge estimate is 40 mC/cm 2 per recorded fb -1 in the most irradiated detector of M1R1 (horizontal plane)  since M1R1 and M2R1_upgraded have similar particle rates, ready to integrate 50 fb -1 at these rates, which are similar to what we will have in M2R1 in LHCb upgraded This technology seems to be already certified for the M23 inner regions operation at the LHCb upgrade! [1] [2] M. Alfonsi et al., IEEE TRANS. NUCL. SCIENCE, vol. 52 (2005) [3] C. Altunbas et al, DESY Aging Workshop (Nov. 2001) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A J. Benlloch et al, IEEE NS-45(1998)234 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1111 May 2012

12 On the Gas Mixture We plan to use MWPC gas mixture: Ar/CO 2 /CF 4 40/55/5 (in red, a guesstimate of the gas performance – to be verified) the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1211 May 2012

13 On Time Resolution By comparing with previous measurements we published, the MWPC gas mixture should bring the resolution of a single triple-GEM detector gap somewhere close to 6-7 ns rms (to be confirmed experimentally) From these plots one can see a big improvement in time resolution when increasing CF 4 from 0% to 20%, and only a slightly better resolution when increasing it to 40% We believe that a 5% CF 4 gas mixture should have important improvement with respect to Ar/CO 2 only the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1311 May 2012

14 Efficiency in a 20 ns Window We are confident that the use of 4 OR-ed gaps will guarantee the efficiency and the redundancy that the muon detector requires with this new gas mixture - to be checked the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1411 May 2012

15 Discharge Probability The use of a higher-gain gas mixture minimizes the required GEM operating voltage, and by consequence the spark probability the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1511 May 2012

16 M23R12 Triple-GEM Proposal For the upgrade of most irradiated parts of the muon system, regions M2R12 and M3R1, we propose Triple- GEM detectors as a possible rad-hard technology Our proposal is to use 4-gaps Triple-GEM detectors These detectors: 1.Innovative construction technique, both for GEM foils and Detector 2.Use MWPC gas 3.Simplified HV supply (using resistive dividers) 4.Anode pad (size of current logical pad, or smaller) readout the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)1611 May 2012

17 GEM Manufacturing The GEM foils of the first generation of GEM detectors  double-mask technology Maximum size of GEM foils is limited to about 40x40 cm 2 (alignment issues) CERN TS-DEM Workshop (Rui de Oliveira) developed a new manufacturing technique based on a single-mask photo- lithographic process (1) starting raw material is a 50 μm kapton foil with a double-side 5 μm copper clad (2) photoresist is deposited on both sides; the mask is laid down and exposed to UV (3) metal and kapton etching proceed from top side (4) bottom side metal is etched using the kapton as mask. Top side metal is preserved with Cathodic Protection technique (-V 0 biased with respect to the chemical bath) (5) back to kapton etching to get final hole (asymmetric hole shape) the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)17 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11 May 2012

18 Large-area GEM foils the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)18 With GEM foils, 30x70 cm 2 large, realized with single-mask we built a detector (in the framework of R&D for KLOE upgrade), using the LHCb detector construction technique 11 May 2012

19 New detector assembly scheme (1) The upgrade of inner regions of M2 and M3 requires detectors with an active area that ranges from ~30x25 cm 2 up to ~30x65 cm 2 For redundancy, each station chamber must be composed of four sensitive gaps; Globally this upgrade will require the construction of about 200 GEMs (spares chambers not included) Considering that the typical construction rate of the first generation GEM detectors was of the order 1-2 chamber/week  a new design and assembly procedure must be found One has to remove every time-consuming steps (gluing, soldering …) while keeping the efficient solution of the foil stretching (that avoids the use of the internal support frame, a very expensive component requiring for a labor-intensive procedure) the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)19 Station Region# chambers / size (w/out spares) Total GEM foil area M2R148 –> 30x25 cm 2 10.8 m 2 M2R296 –> 60x25 cm 2 43.2 m 2 M3R148–> 32 x27 cm 2 11 m 2 11 May 2012

20 New detector assembly scheme (2) Rui de Oliveira at CERN developed a new detector assembly scheme inspired to our “stretching technique“ of GEM foils ( “embedded-stretching ” technique) that seems suitable for mass-production and possible industrialization (technology transfer) of the whole construction process The idea is to re-scale and adapt the design of our stretching tool in order to be embedded inside the detector itself With this new technique several 10x10 cm 2 and 30 x30 cm 2 prototypes have been already built and tested We already purchase one “standard” detector and will soon try this technique the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)20 The screw is pulling out the internal frame on which GEMs are fixed Readout PCB GEMs Drift Detector Base internal frame jaws external frame 11 May 2012

21 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)21 The GEM foil is produced with a pattern of holes all around its perimeter 11 May 2012

22 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)22 On the drift plane (honeycombed PCB) connection pins for HV distribution to GEM foils & holes for assembly are foreseen 11 May 2012

23 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)23 An external frame is coupled with the cathode plane, all around its perimeter “stretching screws” (4-5 cm pitch) are inserted. An O-ring will ensure the gas tightness. 11 May 2012

24 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)24 The three GEM foils, piled-up one over the other, are coupled by means of 4-5 mm wide internal frames (one for each side of the GEM foil). They act as GEM spacer and clamping the foils allows the stretching of GEMs. Embedded feed-through for supply the HV to each GEM foil are inserted inside special blind holes of frames (not visible in the picture) Detail of the frames: the GEM “sandwich” is fixed on frames with screws 11 May 2012

25 the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)25 Detail of the O-ring Once the foils are correctly stretched, the readout board can be mounted and fixed with screws, closing the detector. The gas tightness is ensured by plastic O-ring placed on top of the external frame, as well as through each stretching screw 11 May 2012

26 Assembly Scheme Summary The new design of GEMs detector offers many advantages: –No gluing, no soldering during the assembly procedure –No special tooling required –The detector does not need a spacer in the active area –Assembly is very fast and easy (~ 1/day with 2 people crew) –If needed, the detector can be re-opened for modifications, repairs, or to replace a GEM foil the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)2611 May 2012

27 Production Cost Estimate M2R1 ( 48 detectors) (or M3R1) GEM foil  10.8 m 2 x 2000 CHF/1.2 18.000 €/48 det.s = 375 € /det. PCBs (cath.+anode)  200 +576+350+1104 = 2230 €/48 det.s = 50 € /det. Honeycomb+ backplane  80x96 = 7680 €/48 det.s = 160 € /det. Detector mechanics  300 € /det. ___________ total 885 € /det total 885 € /det. TOTAL COST ESTIMATE FOR M2R1 or M3R1  885 x 48 = 42.480 € M2R2 (96 detectors) GEM foil  43.2 m 2 x 2000 CHF/1.2  72.000 €/96 det.s = 750 € /det. PCBs (cath.+anode)  220+2304+350+4320 = 7194€/96 det.s = 75 € /det. Honeycomb+ backplane  100x192 = 19200€/96 det.s = 200 € /det. Detector mechanics  500 € /det. ____________ total 1525 € /det. TOTAL COST ESTIMATE FOR M2R2  1525 x 96 = 146.400 € In green : budgetary offer In yellow : estimate (in excess) from personal experiences the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)2711 May 2012

28 Manpower From FTDR: –Cagliari: 7 researchers –LNF: 13 researchers –Roma: 9 researchers … for the moment the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)2811 May 2012

29 Tentative Planning 2012 –Prototype assembly and test –Gas mixture studies 2013 –Design –Production of one 4-gap triple-GEM detector –Test beam at PSI with CARIOCAGEM 2014 –Final design –Detector test with new electronics the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)2911 May 2012

30 Conclusions The inner regions of M2 and M3 of the current muon detector cannot be operated with the required performances at 2x10 33 MWPC technology does not seem to guarantee a sufficient operational safety margin if used in M2/M3 inner regions GEM foil new fabrication technique is cheap and reliable; together with the proposed detector assembly scheme we can built fast and easily the required chambers The total cost of the detectors for M2R12 and M3R1 is ≈250k€ Triple-GEM detector seems the right choice to equip M2 and M3 inner regions the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)3011 May 2012

31 Remember, we should never forget this! the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)3111 May 2012

32 Spare Slides 11 May 2012the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)32

33 GEM Aging with Ar/CO 2 70/30 11 May 2012the XVLGG (Davide, Gianni & Ale)33

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